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?CINCINNATI CHILI SPAGHETTI & Coney Dog | Skyline vs. Gold Star | Represent: Cincinnati

Cincinnati chili is served over a plate of SPAGHETTI! I'm having my first taste to see if the chili on spaghetti is worthy of the hype and then I have it on a hot dog because that's how I roll. Big thanks to Austin for sending me a taste of Cincinnati, Ohio and for making this video possible. ?

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'Sheep Rotation' courtesy of and 'Sprightly' from iMovie. If you're reading this, you're on the inside. Comment: "Hot dog! Hot diggity, dog. "


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  1. Awesome video! I could see the Cincinnati Reds fireworks from my bedroom window growing up. This food is one I miss the most not living in the area anymore. Regarding the 3 way, typically the spaghetti is covered edge to edge in chili and definitely edge to edge in cheese. I always just cut a section of it off with a fork, didn't need a knife. The melted cheese kind of binds it together into little bites. I'm so hungry now.

    Also, shout out to Steak Hoagies. They're different in the Cincy area than in other parts of the country. If done right, they are as follows: An oval seasoned meat patty (the taste is kind of like a meatball, but it's flattened into an oval to sit perfectly on a hoagie bun). Pizza sauce on the cooked patty. Mozerella cheese on the sauce. Baked in an oven. Top of the bun is brushed with butter and dusted with a little garlic salt. You can add pickles or onions to this according to your taste. Google Image search "pasquale's steak hoagie" if you want to hate yourself for not being able to eat one right now.

  2. You forgot the drunken forbidden liquid of FRANKS RED HOT SAUCE! A chili dog isn't a chili dog in Cincinnati without a splash or Franks! Thank you for spotlighting our awesome city and it's chili!

  3. I travelled, worked and was Lead Exec onsite at a manufacturing company in Milford, OH and I love Skyline three way with spaghettie and a dog three way. They are incredibly light and the sauce is just better.

  4. OMG! Had always been intrigued by Cincinnati chili! Your video inspired me to try making a pot of it. The spices were amazing — cumin, cinnamon, allspice berries, cloves, cayenne pepper, chili powder, and dark chocolate! Took it a step further by substituting meatless ground meat and chopped brown mushroom for the 2lbs of ground beef (to be a bit healthier and for the veggie bf). It was AWESOME! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. You have the wrong cheese on it. Lmao and it is not sweet whoever told you that is stupid. Plus ypu didnt even have the crackers on it. You have no clue wtf your talking about lol

  6. We associate cinnamon with desserts here in the US, but according to many of my Indian coworkers, they actually use cinnamon in a lot of their main course items, like curry and chili. They were actually somewhat surprised when I brought them some fall and winter desserts that contained cinnamon (mainly in snickerdoodles and pumpkin rolls). They said that the desserts tasted familiar in some way that they couldn't identify – and when I said it had cinnamon on it/in it, they thought it was strange to see paired with sugar and other sweet things.

    As for Cincinnati chili, I've never been to either place, but we have made our own, which is highly recommended in my opinion. I've had a lot of different chili sauces from restaurants and they usually don't end up quite as spicy as my family prefers our chili. We go through a lot of chili powder during the winter. But my dad's chili has so many spices I probably couldn't list them all – but there's some pretty unique ones in there like curry powder.

  7. I was in Cinnci last May for a wedding and had Skyline at King's Island Park. It was really really good. You could smell the cinnamon right away. I had mine 4 ways with onion and a TON of cheese on top. Loved it. They also have a hot sauce that I totally recommend if you can get your hands on some. I grabbed a bottle at the airport along with some packets of Skyline Chilli powder. It wasn't exactly the same but pretty close, still good. Tried the frozen version and its not anything like the real thing, which was disappointing. Im from St Louis. My mom has always made chilli with spaghetti. We called it chili mac. I think they serve it at Steak N Shake with the way system with the cheese, spaghetti and onions.

  8. Okay so I watch you all the time and I just now saw you have skyline there!!! I’m hyped! I have a chilito in my hands right now. Bahaha. It’s so good. People often think it’s weird but I love it. Gold star sucks. Bahaha

  9. Yes. Cincinnati. These are the two big chains (restaurants). There are chili places (some call them "parlors," all around the area. Several have their own following too. Each chili is slightly altered.
    You can get plain Skyline chili in a can, too. It is much better than the kind with mushy spaghetti. Facebook has it. As well as Dixie chili, which is another popular one. As others have mentioned, many add hotsauce too, usually like regular Tabasco. And every dish is served with a bowl of oyster crackers. The crackers and hotsauce raise it to another whole level.
    I THINK Skyline has the chocolate in it and Goldstar has more spices. Dixie is different too. Hope if you're ever in Cincinnati you try them dining in. Way better that way. Thanks for doing Cincinnati.

  10. Should bought the Gold Star in a package not a can even Skyline taste nasty in a can
    I know the whole family from Gold Star LOL it's Phoenicians/Jordanians VS Greeks Skyline Chili.
    One thing they use Colby Cheese it's better to buy a block of it instead of the bag so you can shred it.

  11. Ohh! Hot dog! Hot diggity, dog. I'm so sad I missed this when it came out! You needed to have a serving of baklava after eating your 4 way onion lol!

    Both of these competitors are franchises and whoever owns the store is liable to water down or thicken the recipe. So honestly depending on how long a native to Cincinnati (or even Ohio) has eaten at a particular location the flavor might be off if you tried it at another store. I remember growing up eating Skyline with my grandfather and there came a point where we stopped going because "the new owners watered down the chili" and we found a different store to go to. But yeah basically Cincinnati chili is a meat sauce and recipes vary location to location (be it blue ash chili, skyline, gold star, empress, etc.)

    Some Cincinnati chili's does contain cocoa in it (not actual chocolate), to add a little bitterness (not! sweet!) to the chili. I typically eat at Skyline for nostalgia purposes but I won't pass up a Gold Star if we're out to eat with the family. I primarily get the chili cheese fries and there's almost always more sauce than cheese.

    If you google Jungle Jims and look at their gift baskets they have one called the Cincinnatian that has food items specific to the area. Did you know Graeter's ice cream originated in Cincinnati? Anyways, it was nice seeing someone enjoying local food! Thanks again for brightening up my day with another video, Emmy. I hope you and the family are well. ❤️

  12. My name is Austin so that made this especially funny, but being from Cincinnati, my caveats are: Oh noooo!! You didn't receive JUST a canned version of both. The Skyline chili in the canned version is so much better than the chili & spaghetti mix. They look the same when it's just the canned chili, and the spaghetti dampens the flavor sooo much! Also, what we usually do where I live is just chop the spaghetti with the fork so you can make sure to get a bite of everything at once without eating all of your spaghetti before the chili and cheese on top. Also, a little bit of Louisiana style hot sauce is so great on top (Since I know you're a hot sauce lover haha)! This makes me want to send you another set of these to try so you can have a more apples to apples comparison like you mentioned

  13. Cincy chili…we just call it chili…or we say simply, skyline. We dont call cincy chili, "cincy chili"…and they're not "chili dogs"; they're "cheese coneys". Check out our metts (mettwurst with lots of "snap", topped with onions, peppers, and mustard), bbq (Montgomery inn, Ollie's trollie, mr pigs), fried fish (L&R fish bar, alabama fish house), findlay market, grippos chips, fliers goetta, pizza (Larosa's, Donato's), graeters icecream and many other cincy jewels. Cincy is deep in the culinary world, not just chili…do a best regional winner, but please include our cheese coneys and metts. Thanks. U love your channel!

  14. I live in Ohio personally I like Skyline Chili but gold star is really good too and you didn't add enough cheese and Skyline is better fresh and you can get a can of the chili and put it on the spaghetti and they have their own cheese

  15. Cincinnatian born and raised, and I have always hated our chili. And yes, Goldstar has way more cinnamon. But no, you can totally twirl it. I don't know where that came from. The original-original was Macedonian immigrants, and their restaurant was called Empress Chili.
    And yes, you put a lot of cheese your three way. At Skyline, if you want extra you say "Make my skyway a highway." Because it's piled so high.

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