In the news this week, as in the rest of the world, so in the games industry: Covid-19 is affecting everything from gaming events to player habits, with spiking player counts in Football Manager, CS:GO, and Steam all likely driven by self-isolating gamers. Call of Duty's free-to-play battle royale mode, Warzone, picked a good week to launch then, and has seen millions of players already.
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
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How beautiful ☑I
knew this would happen
Cod 19 = call off duty concifencia o algo Mas
Dollar flu
I agree that the best way to avoid getting sick is to isolate yourself from everyone. And for gamers, this is their life, they sit at the PC for days, playing their favorite games. I wish you and your relatives health, wash your hands thoroughly after the street!!!
This comment sections dead af
no respect for pc players playing warzone go get yourselves a console and play on a controller if you think your good. you are the trashcan's wheels of gaming. hope you roll into a pile of dogsh1t going up the driveway after being dumped.
is it just me or game prices have increased for physical copies. I know pc gamers don't have this problem could this be because the factories have been shutting down to stop the spread so it is harder to get a copy