In this video we discuss the latest Star Wars Game News! New Star Wars Game is set to be revealed as early as next week, Battlefront 2 news recieves a new patch and Star Wars Battlefront 2 now on Playstation Plus!
Do you think we will see more than just Project Maverick at EA Play? Let me know in the comments!
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Im just hoping EA does the unthinkable and reveals battlefront 3. That would completely remake the reputation of ea for me. But, wishful thinking:/
i just see the noobs coming to ps 4 and now i can make lvl 400 on the officer?
Such a bad taste left in our mouth after battlefront 2 ended so poorly.
Anybody remember the old Star Wars: The Clone Wars game for the PS2 and Xbox 360? The one where you drove basically only vehicles around? I hope Project Maverick is something like that.
A vehicle based game for fuck sake EA just give us the open world multi player game burned out pvp type games got boring need more story based games but multiplayer
Maybe a game centred around a Jedi youngling and their journey to become a Jedi knight in the old republic era?
Immagine commandong your own fleet lol
I believe they should make a new star wars game, something different that everyone would like that's not battlefront, we just got a battlefront.
Imagine being on 4,978 maul kills and then it gets reset. Life is pain sometimes
I love your videos you straight to the point and I love it. Anyway I just hope they update the new game a lot battlefront2 just died cuz they never updated it
It should be a open world game like how the lego star wars game is suppose to but with every planet every ship every character and you can customize them so you can be a jedi bounty hustler that survived order 66.
That would be a game
I swear if it ends up being a mobile game I'm gonna lose it
It's already been confirmed to be The Force Unleashed 3. You haven't seen his tweet?
I do wish they would put something where you can put your credits/crystals towards leveling up units/ships/heroes ?. I mean you have the celebration edition you have all skins so it's abit of a eye sore seeing all those credits you can't spend lol
Can’t wait for Vader immortal to get onto PSVR apart from the fact that it’s teleportation instead of actual movement but it’s fine
Would be cool to see characters from the old republic in the new game
I’d love to see Jango Fett Mace Windu Qui Gon Jinn Ahsoka Tano Assajj Ventress Savage Oppress
Has anyone getting a lag issues on Battlefront 2 lately?
dude make a crossover mod like master chief or the didact
imagine Atriox from halo wars 2 as a villain mod in star wars would be the best crossover ever
Too bad the live service couldn't pick up again, and battlefront 2 could just have next gen exclusive dlcs, like when gta v when it came to next gen
I’m figures crossed project maverick is a rts game
Another Star Wars game for EA to cancel.
Don't get your hopes up for a decent star wars game anytime soon.
People think it's bf3?
This new game after i heard. "Prob about the space battles" just became boring to me
What game mode is that
How cool would it be where we go an infamous style game where you choose either sith or jedi and either side gets certain abilities/benefits
Uploading late brodi
A bug they need to fix is the jet trooper bug, were when you switch to your rocket the game may freeze and kick you out.
I really wanna be a member and support you but I don’t have any money ?
A Republic Commando sequel with modern graphics would be fantastic. They could make it a really dark and gritty horror shooter like Dead Space.
What ps5 reveal event?
I feel like the Project Maverick section of this video didn't age very well. That's 2020 for you bois, shit's turnt in just seven days.
The same studio that made the bf2 campaign??? It’s already shit. Just end it now.
Love your videos, keep it up! P.S. How to take poll?