
Court to hear if mental health staff are liability-free from suicides

30-year-old Justin Stewart committed suicide at Warren County Jail. His mother filed a lawsuit against Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers, which provides mental health services for the jail.

The Ohio Supreme Court, which heard arguments Tuesday, will decide whether those providing mental health services are immune from lawsuits if their patients kill or harm themselves.

The case stems from southwest Ohio, where Bonita Stewart filed a lawsuit after her 30-year-old son Justin hanged himself with a sheet in his cell at the Warren County Jail. Her son had been arrested for not complying with mental health treatment, a condition of his probation.

The lawsuit – filed against the county and its jail's health services provider Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers – claimed that the jail failed to properly supervise Justin and provide him mental health care despite him clearly needing it.

Solutions Community said the lawsuit has no grounds under a 2014 Ohio law, which lawmakers had passed in response to a prior court decision. Lawmakers disagreed then with the idea that therapists and others were completely responsible for patients' violent tendencies.  

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