The White Stripes performing at the Cincinnati Music Hall in Cincinnati, OH on September 12, 2005. Jack became increasingly angry at Meg for some reason (I think she was improvising and adding things that were throwing him off, and Jack's guitar kept going out of tune... I'll point it out in the notes because I'm a nitpicky bitch :D)
0:20 Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground/Passive Manipulation
4:30 Black Math
7:46 Blue Orchid
10:46 Cannon/John The Revelator
13:16 Ball And Biscuit (Jack put's meg's mic in his mouth in the 2nd verse) (!!!!!!!!)
18:43 a very aggressive pointing to the timpani by an already pissed Jack followed by
18:57 Passive Manipulation (jack being an asshole and starting without telling meg, as the guitar is taken backstage and taught a lesson)
19:37 Truth Doesn't Make A Noise (piano)
22:16 Lord, I Just Can't Keep From Crying/Death Letter (!!!!!!!!)
30:08 My Doorbell (!!!!1!!! 'come on, meg!1!!! D: )
34:35 Hotel Yorba
Jack's hissy fit continues at this point backstage, causing everyone's favorite part of the show, the
40:40 The Hardest Button To Button (Meg wants to die)
44:40 Instinct Blues (guitar goes out of tune) (!!!!!)
48:21 In The Cold, Cold Night (Meg wants to die *again*)
52:25 Jack's Cheese Danish Dream :)
55:17 Same Boy You've Always Known
58:10 Let's Shake Hands/Screwdriver/Passive Manipulation (!!!!!)
1:02:05 I Think I Smell A Rat/Broken Bricks/Party Of Special Things To Do (!!!1!)
1:06:42 Little Ghost
1:09:39 I Fought Piranhas/Goin' Back To Memphis (Featuring Johnny Walker !!!!!!!!!!!)
1:18:45 We're Going To Be Friends
1:21:22 I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
(Meg tells Jack something, but he doesn't want to hear it, and leaves Meg alone to awkwardly bow at the crowd)
1:24:40 I'm Lonely, But I Ain't That Lonely Yet
ENCORE BREAK 3 (This is the tastiest part because Jack gets infuriated)
1:29:18 You're Pretty Good Looking (oof)/Apple Blossom
1:32:00 Screwdriver (OOF!) (jack is pissed at Meg here)
1:33:47 the final straw
1:33:59 The Nurse (Meg fucks this up lmao) 1:36:13 LMFAO
1:36:35 Seven Nation Army
("MY SISTER THANKS YOU AND I THANK YOU. GOOD NIGHT.") (jack yanks Meg's arm at the bow and she doesn't seem to enjoy that very much)
I knew I would have to do this, but you guys, I like this show and I think it's great. I just noticed something that was off about that night. Jack was obviously mad at something, Meg was messing up occasionally and Jack was frustrated, and I thought it was funny. Most of my humor is based on hyperbole, so I just overexaggerated the description because I thought it was funny. Don't think I was complaining about the show because if I thought it was bad, I wouldn't have uploaded it :)
I'm going to have to watch this all the way through tonight, after reading that hilarious description.
I think you’re reading way too much into what was going on there, lol
It is a great show i think.
And sorry Aaron but from what i see there u are totally misreading most of the emotion going on… i cant figure out any situation where jack is mad or anything, i think they actually both enjoyed the show and had a good time. Literally every point u wrote down where there should be any high voltage between them is not there from my view…
Either u are just knowing jack much better than i do, or you are kind of misleaded by anything…
I wonder if Jack dreams about cheese often. Broken Bricks was a really nice surprise here, and special things was cool too. Did he do special things in a different key to fit with broken bricks better?
For people who don't know, Jhonny taught Jack slide in the late 90's, Jhonnys band also wrote Going back to memphis
hey aaron, jack white loves it when his guitar goes out of tune… he has said it numerous times ;)
I was third row center for this. Great show.
What is wrong with "The nurse"?
Well I'm not sure but probably you mean this "laud, messed moment" well it was supposed to be like that – this is in that song
wow. wtf. ive had the audio for this for years and had no idea there was video, and at this quality!
Jack is basically Jesus when it comes to multipling and sharing food
Aaron, A few thoughts, i assumed he was pissed off as his mic had not been replaced before Ball and Biscuit and this was why he had to use Megs mic and there put it in his mouth to try and play and sing. therefore he was pointing to his empty mic stand after the song finished. As for him being in a bad mood im not so sure as i doubt he would speak about his dream like he did, i have not known him speak for such a long time, but i may be wrong. t he encore breaks are v interesting as these are a rarity for TWS. Thanks for the upload its a excellent and interesting concert.