
GOP Senate leader doubts legislative support for Kentucky mask mandate

Senate President Robert Stivers presiding during the second day of the legislative session on Jan. 7, 2021.

Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers said Monday his Republican colleagues are unlikely to vote for any kind of blanket mask mandate should they be called into a special session by Gov. Andy Beshear, but may approve "targeted" measures.

The governor indicated through a spokeswoman Saturday he was considering a special session following a Kentucky Supreme Court ruling that day that found a lower court wrongly halted legislation limiting his emergency powers to enact COVID-19 restrictions.

Stivers told reporters he has had preliminary discussions with the governor's office since the ruling Saturday about a possible special session, though he does not expect Beshear to call a session as early as this week.

While he thinks any potential legislation to approve a blanket mask mandate would have a "very limited chance" of passing, Stivers said more targeted legislation "might be a little bit different."

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