Skyline Chili is to Cincinnati, Ohio what In-N-Out is to California. Midwesterners love how the chili chain puts mountains of chili and cheese on everything. Their signature dish is called a "5-Way" for its spaghetti base, topped with beans, chili, onions, and loads of cheese.
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Aly Weisman:
Mmmm. Shit.
This is my fave place to eat it’s sooo good!
As a europeon this food looks disgusting, like how you mfs still alive. Like your eating just cheese, not even melted cheese.
Skyline is disgusting
That actually looks super gross.
That chili looks terrible. Brown watery diarrhea. Can anyone attest to this? I read it's sweet looks nasty
…cheese looks edible
That looks gross.
My arteries hurt now
Nothing against the food – but god damn those portions are humongous!
Turned off IMMEDIATELY do to horrible music……….
Fatto fatto everywhere
I'm Midwestern but that is the most horrible chili I ever ate. Why do you think they have to smother it? Truly gastly.?
Is that real cheese ?
The old gold star chilly is a lot better
Welp, it looks like there IS such a thing as too much cheese.
way too much cheese no wonder this country is obese LOL
It’s so unhealthy??
She ordered all that food and only ate 1 noodle.
Looks good.. but I live in the Midwest, and I’ve never heard of this place. Must be an Ohio thing.
Midwesterner here. Never heard of it.
Its not that good