So you've created your #AnimalCrossing island, you've opened up Blathers' museum and you're up to your eyeballs in debt to Tom Nook - what next? Well, how about inviting a couple of friends over and getting up to some fun activities? Here are just a few suggestions to get you started - feel free to add your own in the comments below! Animal Crossing New Horizons Nintendo Switch Gameplay
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Yaay!! Animal Crosssinnggggg
Musical chairs is a great idea, however pretty sure you can't move/place furniture when you have people visiting your island, which means you can only play one round.
Zoe I love your avatar she's soooooo cute xxxxxxxx
great video dude
awesome video I really liked it
Great ideas Eurogamer Video Team! This is all perfect for us gamers while we are staying safe inside our homes! :)
I wonder how it feels to have friends…
Aww, what a lovely video.
Some good ideas! Now just to find those pesky 'friends' that you speak of! Any euro gamer community members wanna animal cross with me? ?
Zoe sounds all weird in this video
Did Eurogamer release their weekly FF7 playthrough vid Monday? I didn't get the vid and, when I searched, couldn't find it. I thought they had one or 2 episodes left. It isn't a big deal, really, I just enjoyed watching them and I got curious.
I love how relaxing the theme tune is.
why is this video under breaking news xD