EAST PRICE HILL, Ohio (WKRC) - Come next week, Cincinnati Christian University will be no more. While students are left looking for a new place to learn, faculty and staff are looking to make ends meet.
The remaining faculty and staff at CCU received their last paychecks on Dec. 20. Now, a network of alumni and friends are stepping in to fill the gap. So far, they've raised nearly $20,000, which is just $5,000 short of their goal.
“We're thrilled by the response,” said Mark Taylor, organizer of the fundraising drive. "We feel we've touched a nerve."
Taylor understands why so many people have given so much to the relief fund. After all, he’s an alumnus and CCU is where he met his wife.
"We'll remember the school as having a huge, significant impact in our lives,” said Taylor.
While Taylor is disappointed in CCU's closure, he says the university’s impact is evident in the donations pouring in.
A GoFundMe has $17,000 and a charitable bank account has another few thousand dollars. Donations range from a few dollars to a $5,000 donation from Southbrook Christian Church. Another church in Missouri is taking up a collection for the unemployed staff. Taylor says this shows what alumni were taught in East Price Hill.
"They've learned to pass it on, so to speak,” said Taylor. “That's the nature of their work because how they were influenced at the school."
Taylor estimates CCU had 60 faculty and staff members left on campus. So far, 20 of them have applied for help from this drive.
"They're not eligible for COBRA. I know there's no severance. I think unemployment is limited,” said Taylor.
While alumni like Taylor are sad to see the school close, Taylor says the fund shows CCU’s legacy.
"Nothing goes on forever, and although we're sorry that this has happened, we're pleased at all the good the school did in so many lives while it did exist,” said Taylor.