
National coverage of primary night in 4 states

Live Updates: National coverage of primary night in 4 states

south Carolina. First and foremost, I want to thank my family, my parents who've had my back every step of the way. My four older brothers, my older brothers who taught me how to take *** punch, but more importantly, taught me how to throw *** punch. I love you guys, my son Boone who should be very much sound asleep right now. I hope one day you look back on this, it makes you proud. And I hope that you realize that big dreams are worth chasing and that to remember that if you ever get not down to always, always get back up and keep fighting campaign team. Thank you to chris Barron of the spin doctors. Right? I mean, it means so much that he's here because to be honest, my brothers would not have come here tonight unless he was here. Bill Wilson and D. J. T Streets. Thank you all so much. Thank you to the music farm for hosting us here, Tuesday evening, appreciate to, to center me MacLeod, thank you for putting yourself forward to run and for the spirited debate on the issues. And even though even though we are competitors, we're now on the same team and I look forward to working with you in the months to come as we bring our state out of the past and into the future and the Carlton boy, Calvin Mcmillan and cowboy Williams. Thank you for running and thank you for offering yourself for service to our amazing state and to even Governor Henry McMaster. Congrats, congrats, congrats on your hard, hard fought primary victory tonight, but the last last not least though, but the last not least the voters. You I mean, I cannot express my appreciation for your the trust that you've placed in me. And I promise you, I will never ever let you down. Yeah. So it is with great community and honor that I accept your nomination for governor of the great state of south Carolina. Oh yeah, go, go, go, go Look. Everyone, everyone in this room knows me, Everyone here knows me. And but for the people watching at home, just allow me to introduce myself. I'm joe Cunningham, first and foremost of my dad. I'm *** proud South Carolinian, an attorney, *** former ocean engineer, *** huge spin doctor Spam. Yeah. And most recently I had the honor of representing the low country in Congress. And look, I ran for Congress in the first place because I was sick of the divisiveness. I was sick of the partisanship and the selfishness. And so too many politicians more concerned with keeping their job than doing their job. And almost no one, almost no one was willing to work across the aisle to get things done. And after we flipped *** district that Donald Trump had won by 13 points, we got to work the change Washington and changed the way it operated. Our motto was low country over party. And it was more than just *** slogan. It was more of our, our North star in our guiding principle and I'm so proud that I had two of my bills make it through *** divided Congress and get signed into law by Republican president. One of those, one of those bills to help our veterans. Another another one of those bills. Yeah. Hell yeah, right Ethan knows what's up. Another one of those called the Holy Grail of Environmental Conservation Good. I brought the far left and the far right together to pass *** bill banning offshore drilling off the coast of south Carolina. We passed the bill to close the charleston loophole. Another bill to protect voting rights and so much more. But I also wasn't afraid to buck my own party. I stood up to democrats and stopped the congressional pay raise. I voted against *** budget to increase the debt and not just know, but hell no to those who wanted to defund the police. I was proud. I was incredibly proud to be ranked one of the most independent and one of the most effective members of Congress. Words, they've never been used to describe our current governor ever. And look, You know, *** couple weeks ago I turned 40 and someone reminded me that I am now officially as old as Henry McMaster's political career. You see, Henry Henry McMaster, mm mhm Yeah. Look, look, Henry master is not just *** career politician. He's *** forever politician. He was working in the halls of Congress before I was even born. Like he's running for us Senate. He's run for attorney general twice. He's running for lieutenant governor twice Governor three times and he was the chairman of the south Carolina Republican Party for over *** decade. Yeah. Henry McMaster. Henry McMaster is the oldest governor in south Carolina history and he's running to be the longest serving governor in south Carolina history. But the question is, the question is this, does, does he deserve and look, what can we expect? What can we expect from another four years under his leadership? And look, I appreciate his service and his long, long, long political career. We've got to be honest, We gotta be honest about his track record. Our schools remain at the bottom of every list or roads are ranked literally dead last in our country. We've been ranked the worst state for women in one of the worst states to start *** family, violent crime or violent crime and murder or an all time high. We're losing out on major economic projects because companies, they want to relocate where there *** good school safe. Rose *** healthy workforce and leadership with *** vision for the future. And right now we don't have any of that. And government master has shown little interest in attacking these challenges instead is focused on culture wars and national political fights that do nothing to help our state. He signed the most restrictive abortion man in America. But but now and now he wants to go even further and ban all abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother. He vetoed *** bill to fix the roads. And while violent crime is an all time high in our state, the governor solution, it was to allow more people to carry guns in public. And as we know, as we know, shootings have skyrocketed this year. He helped kill the medical marijuana bill that would have finally given relief to veterans and people suffering from epilepsy or chronic illness. He opposed my plan to temporarily suspend the gas tax to help offset the rising costs at the pump. And until the court stopped, he wanted to send your tax dollars to private schools while at the same time underfunding our public schools and refusing to give our teachers *** raise. Oh, hey, look, look folks in south Carolina, We fire football coaches after one or 2 losing seasons. We do. Henry McMaster Is going on 40 straight losing seasons and he's asking for extension onto his contract. It's time for the people of South Carolina to stand up and say you're fired because Henry master because governor McMaster is the governor of the past and I'm running to be the governor of the future. How ah, because the future of our state, it's bright, but only if we look ahead, not behind and my plans as governor. They're ambitious because I think we have to be, you know, none of what I want to do is right. It's just simply overdue like dramatically dramatically raising teacher pay. So they are following treated like the heroes, they are right like legalizing marijuana and sports betting and then using that revenue to fix our roads and our schools like implementing term limits for all politicians. We'll tackle the gun violence epidemic so that, so that everyone, everyone can feel safe on the streets of their own communities. We're gonna protect our environment and we're gonna turn climate change from *** crisis into an economic opportunity to create good paying jobs here in south Carolina. We can, we can, and we will bring common sense change to south Carolina and friends. We're gonna do it without raising any taxes, right? Look, in the coming weeks, I'm gonna be outlining more of my vision for our state to ensure that, you know, that we don't continue to be left behind by our, by our neighboring states and to ensure that our best and there are brightest stay in south Carolina to raise their family and *** guarantee that every child, that every child in south Carolina has the opportunity in *** successful life, no matter where they're born, no matter where they live or what they look like or who they love. Folks. Look, I'm *** different kind of democrat and I'm gonna be *** different kind of governor, y'all know that y'all know that my film was south Carolinians, I'm asking you, I'm asking you to take *** chance on me and maybe your Republican, maybe maybe you never voted for *** democrat. May maybe maybe you don't vote at all. Maybe not even registered, but I want to change that. This campaign, our campaign, it's gonna give you something to be excited about. It's gonna give you something to be hopeful about, something to be proud of. I wanna give you something to vote for, not just something to vote against. Yeah. And look, I'm gonna be straight up with you. I'm gonna be honest, we may not agree on everything. But as former mayor of new york city, Ed Koch said, You know, if you agree with me on seven of the 10 things that say, vote for me. If you agree on 10 out of 10 things, I say, go see *** psychiatrist, but I can promise you one thing, I can promise you one thing we are gonna agree more than we disagree because I'm not interested in the division. I'm not interested in the culture wars and the wedge issues. While Governor McMaster wants to distract, deceive and divide, I want to unite, inspire and deliver. This isn't South Carolina is an amazing state with incredible people and this is *** state where we have chosen spend our lives and we we are the custodians of our future, there's nothing stopping us from moving forward and making the necessary change that we all know is required. The question is this is the question whether we are able to break out of our parts and corners, treat each other like human beings and focus on the things that really matter like our kids. You know, my four year old son Boone, he's my world, he's everything and I will work with anyone anywhere, any time to build *** better future for him and his whole generation. And I know you're and I know you're the same with your kids. You know, Henry ford once said if everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself south Carolina, it's time for us to move forward together to turn the page on the, on the past and write *** new chapter for our state. Let's grab that pin together and go make history, Go to joe for south Carolina dot com, join our team. Thank you and may God continue to bless the great state of south Carolina. Thank you all so much.

Live Updates: National coverage of primary night in 4 states

It's Election Day in South Carolina, Maine, Nevada and North Dakota.Voters in all four states are heading to the polls to pick their candidates for November's general election. Check for live updates from a bustling primary night below: 11:15 p.m. ETRep. Nancy Mace, a Republican House member from South Carolina under attack by the Trump wing of the GOP for her critical comments about the former president, has won her primary.Mace, who will represent the GOP in South Carolina's 1st Congressional District, bested Katie Arrington, who was strongly backed by Trump.Mace avoided the same fate as Rep. Tom Rice, who was the other GOP House member targeted by Trump and was defeated earlier in the night by Paul Fry.11:00 p.m. ETRep. Tom Rice has lost the GOP primary for U.S. House in South Carolina's 7th Congressional District, becoming the first Republican who voted to impeach Trump to lose reelection.Rice was defeated by Paul Fry, a state representative endorsed by Trump.10:15 p.m. ETJoe Cunningham has won the Democratic primary for South Carolina's governor, according to the AP. With the backing of Doug Jones, the former U.S. Senator from Alabama, Cunningham defeated Mia McLeod, a former state representative, and two other challengers.Cunningham will face incumbent GOP Gov. Henry McMaster in the reliably red state.10:00 p.m. ETPolls in Nevada have closed. Voters in the state will be deciding numerous contentious races, including the Republican primary for U.S. Senate to take on the expected winner of the Democratic primary and incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.The top two competitors in the GOP primary are former Attorney General of Nevada and polling favorite heading into Tuesday Adama Laxalt and Sam Brown, an Army veteran with the backing of the state Republican party. Laxalt is being supported by former President Donald Trump, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.9:25 p.m. ETThe AP is reporting that Katrina Christiansen has secured the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in the North Dakota primary election.She will take on incumbent Sen. John Hoeven, who earlier in the night easily grabbed the Republican nomination. Christiansen defeated Michael Steele.According to Politico, Hoeven's seat is expected to be safe.Also, the AP Decision Desk is calling the Republican primary for the U.S. House in South Carolina's 6th Congressional District for Duke Buckner.Buckner will square off with Rep. Jim Clyburn, the longtime incumbent and one of the top Democratic leaders in Congress.9:00 p.m. ETPolls have closed in North Dakota. And almost simultaneously AP is reporting that Incumbent Sen. John Hoeven has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in North Dakota's primary election.8:15 p.m. ETHouse majority whip and Democratic stalwart Rep. James Clyburn has cruised to a primary victory in South Carolina's 6th Congressional District, according to the AP.Clyburn, South Carolina’s only Democrat in Congress, beat two challengers as he seeks a 16th term. Clyburn's endorsement of Biden was widely seen as the defining factor that led to the current president’s victory in the 2020 Democratic primary.8:00 p.m. ETPolls have closed in Maine. They've also closed in Texas' 34th Congressional District, where a special election is being held to fill the seat vacated by Democratic Rep. Filemon Vela.7:45 p.m. ETIncumbent Henry McMaster has been named the winner of the Republican primary for governor in South Carolina, according to the AP.McMaster is seeking a second full term. He faced one primary challenger, Harrison Musselwhite.7:00 p.m. ETPolls have closed in South Carolina, the first state to wrap up tonight. Two GOP House members, who have sided against former President Donald Trump on a couple of occasions, face primary challengers from their political right.Rep. Tom Rice has staunchly opposed the former president's unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. His opposition culminated in Rice's vote to impeach Trump the second time following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Rice was one of 10 Republicans to do so.Rice faces six challengers, with state Rep. Russell Fry leading the pack. Fry has Trump's endorsement.Rep. Nancy Mace is the other GOP House member facing a Trump-backed challenger. Mace, who has taken a softer stance against Trump compared to Rice, objected to the calls to overturn the 2020 election, as well as condemning the former president after the events of Jan. 6, 2021. Mace is facing Katie Arrington, a former state representative. Arrington was endorsed by Trump back in February, claiming that "she has the tremendous backing of almost all who know her -- especially when she is compared to Nancy Mace!"Mace, however, has former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was also the ambassador to the United Nations under Trump's presidency, in her corner.

It's Election Day in South Carolina, Maine, Nevada and North Dakota.

Voters in all four states are heading to the polls to pick their candidates for November's general election.

Check for live updates from a bustling primary night below:

11:15 p.m. ET

Rep. Nancy Mace, a Republican House member from South Carolina under attack by the Trump wing of the GOP for her critical comments about the former president, has won her primary.

Mace, who will represent the GOP in South Carolina's 1st Congressional District, bested Katie Arrington, who was strongly backed by Trump.

Mace avoided the same fate as Rep. Tom Rice, who was the other GOP House member targeted by Trump and was defeated earlier in the night by Paul Fry.

11:00 p.m. ET

Rep. Tom Rice has lost the GOP primary for U.S. House in South Carolina's 7th Congressional District, becoming the first Republican who voted to impeach Trump to lose reelection.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 17: Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) questions Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Charles Rettig as he testifies before the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee on March 17, 2022 in Washington, DC. The subcommittee held a hearing on the 2022 tax filing season. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Kevin Dietsch

Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) questions Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Charles Rettig as he testifies before the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee on March 17, 2022 in Washington, DC.

Rice was defeated by Paul Fry, a state representative endorsed by Trump.

10:15 p.m. ET

Joe Cunningham has won the Democratic primary for South Carolina's governor, according to the AP.

With the backing of Doug Jones, the former U.S. Senator from Alabama, Cunningham defeated Mia McLeod, a former state representative, and two other challengers.

Cunningham will face incumbent GOP Gov. Henry McMaster in the reliably red state.

10:00 p.m. ET

Polls in Nevada have closed. Voters in the state will be deciding numerous contentious races, including the Republican primary for U.S. Senate to take on the expected winner of the Democratic primary and incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.

The top two competitors in the GOP primary are former Attorney General of Nevada and polling favorite heading into Tuesday Adama Laxalt and Sam Brown, an Army veteran with the backing of the state Republican party. Laxalt is being supported by former President Donald Trump, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

9:25 p.m. ET

The AP is reporting that Katrina Christiansen has secured the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in the North Dakota primary election.

She will take on incumbent Sen. John Hoeven, who earlier in the night easily grabbed the Republican nomination. Christiansen defeated Michael Steele.

UNITED STATES - MAY 4: Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., questions DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing on the FY2023 funding request for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in Dirksen Building on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

Tom Williams

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., questions DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing on the FY2023 funding request for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in Dirksen Building on Wednesday, May 4, 2022.

According to Politico, Hoeven's seat is expected to be safe.

Also, the AP Decision Desk is calling the Republican primary for the U.S. House in South Carolina's 6th Congressional District for Duke Buckner.

Buckner will square off with Rep. Jim Clyburn, the longtime incumbent and one of the top Democratic leaders in Congress.

9:00 p.m. ET

Polls have closed in North Dakota. And almost simultaneously AP is reporting that Incumbent Sen. John Hoeven has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in North Dakota's primary election.

8:15 p.m. ET

House majority whip and Democratic stalwart Rep. James Clyburn has cruised to a primary victory in South Carolina's 6th Congressional District, according to the AP.

Clyburn, South Carolina’s only Democrat in Congress, beat two challengers as he seeks a 16th term. Clyburn's endorsement of Biden was widely seen as the defining factor that led to the current president’s victory in the 2020 Democratic primary.

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 19: House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) listens during a Congressional Tri-Caucus event on the mass shooting at the Tops Grocery Store in Buffalo, NY, from the House East Front Steps at the U.S. Capitol on May 19, 2022 in Washington, DC. Members from the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus gathered to speak on the shooting and the rise in "replacement theory" rhetoric. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Anna Moneymaker

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) listens during a Congressional Tri-Caucus event on the mass shooting at the Tops Grocery Store in Buffalo, NY, from the House East Front Steps at the U.S. Capitol on May 19, 2022 in Washington, DC.

8:00 p.m. ET

Polls have closed in Maine. They've also closed in Texas' 34th Congressional District, where a special election is being held to fill the seat vacated by Democratic Rep. Filemon Vela.

7:45 p.m. ET

Incumbent Henry McMaster has been named the winner of the Republican primary for governor in South Carolina, according to the AP.

McMaster is seeking a second full term. He faced one primary challenger, Harrison Musselwhite.

FLORENCE, SC - MARCH 12: South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks to a crowd during a rally with former U.S. President Donald Trump at the Florence Regional Airport on March 12, 2022 in Florence, South Carolina. The visit by Trump is his first rally in South Carolina since his election loss in 2020. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

Sean Rayford

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks to a crowd during a rally with former U.S. President Donald Trump at the Florence Regional Airport on March 12, 2022 in Florence, South Carolina.

7:00 p.m. ET

Polls have closed in South Carolina, the first state to wrap up tonight.

Two GOP House members, who have sided against former President Donald Trump on a couple of occasions, face primary challengers from their political right.

Rep. Tom Rice has staunchly opposed the former president's unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. His opposition culminated in Rice's vote to impeach Trump the second time following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Rice was one of 10 Republicans to do so.

Rice faces six challengers, with state Rep. Russell Fry leading the pack. Fry has Trump's endorsement.

Rep. Nancy Mace is the other GOP House member facing a Trump-backed challenger. Mace, who has taken a softer stance against Trump compared to Rice, objected to the calls to overturn the 2020 election, as well as condemning the former president after the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Mace is facing Katie Arrington, a former state representative. Arrington was endorsed by Trump back in February, claiming that "she has the tremendous backing of almost all who know her -- especially when she is compared to Nancy Mace!"

Mace, however, has former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was also the ambassador to the United Nations under Trump's presidency, in her corner.

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