
Scam email claims to be from Microsoft

A recent scam starts with an email that claims to be from Microsoft, informing the recipient that there has been unusual sign-in activity on their account in Russia.An IP address, date, time, computer platform and browser are listed, all to make it look very official.There are also links to click on to report the user or receive security notices. But both of those links connect to a Gmail address, not Microsoft.A major warning sign that this is a scam is the sender's email address – it's mostly gibberish.Microsoft will send you emails about unusual account activity, but the address they come from is [email protected] is not a scam that just targets Microsoft customers. The names of all computer-related companies have been used in this one, including Apple, Google, Norton and Symantec.If you get an email like this and have even the slightest doubt about it, do not respond and do not click on any links. Log into your account directly the way you normally do and see if your account is OK.Watch the video above for the full story.

A recent scam starts with an email that claims to be from Microsoft, informing the recipient that there has been unusual sign-in activity on their account in Russia.

An IP address, date, time, computer platform and browser are listed, all to make it look very official.

There are also links to click on to report the user or receive security notices. But both of those links connect to a Gmail address, not Microsoft.

A major warning sign that this is a scam is the sender's email address – it's mostly gibberish.

Microsoft will send you emails about unusual account activity, but the address they come from is [email protected].

This is not a scam that just targets Microsoft customers. The names of all computer-related companies have been used in this one, including Apple, Google, Norton and Symantec.

If you get an email like this and have even the slightest doubt about it, do not respond and do not click on any links. Log into your account directly the way you normally do and see if your account is OK.

Watch the video above for the full story.

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