
Jill Biden travels to Namibia and Kenya this week

Jill Biden travels to Namibia and Kenya this week

One year ago the world was bracing for the fall of Kiev. Well I just come from *** visit to Kiev and I can report keith stand strong, keith stands proud, It stands tall and most important it stands free when Russia invaded, it wasn't just Ukraine being tested. The whole world faced *** test for the ages, europe was being tested. America was being tested, NATO is being tested. All democracies are being tested and the questions we face were as simple as they were profound. Would we respond or would we look the other way? Would it be strong? Would be weak? Would be we would we would we the all of our allies would be united or divided. One year later we know the answer we did respond, we would be strong, we would be united and the world would not look the other way. We also face fundamental questions about the commitment to the most basic principles. Would we stand up for the sovereignty of nations, Would we stand up for the right of people to live free from naked aggression? We stand up for democracy one year later we know the answers yes, we would stand up for sovereignty and we did yes, we would stand up for the right of people to live free from aggression and we did and we would stand up for democracy and we did. And yesterday I had the honor to stand with President Zelensky in Kiev to declare that we will keep standing up for these same things. No matter what. When President Putin ordered his tanks to roll in Ukraine, he thought we would roll over, he was wrong. You rank the Ukrainian people are too brave. America europe, *** coalition of nations from the atlantic to the pacific we were to unified democracy was too strong instead of an easy victory. He perceived and predicted Putin left with burnout tanks and Russia's forces in july in disarray, he thought he'd get the finalization of NATO. Instead he got the nationalization of Finland and Sweden. He thought nature would fracture and divine. Instead, NATO is more united and more unified than ever than ever before. He thought he could weaponize energy to crack your resolve, europe's resolve. Instead, we're working together to end europe's dependence on Russell, Russian fossil fuels. He thought autocrats like himself were tough and leaders of democracy were soft and then he met the iron will of America and the nation's everywhere that refused to accept the world governed by fear and force. He found himself at war with the nation led by *** man whose courage would be forged in fire and steel. President Zelinski. President Putin, President Putin is confronted with something today that he didn't think was possible *** year ago. The democracy of the world have grown stronger, not weaker, but the autocrats of the world have grown weaker, not stronger because in the moments of great upheaval and uncertainty that knowing what you stand for is most important and knowing who stands with you makes all the difference. The people of Pole will know that, you know that in fact, you know, you know it better than anyone here in Poland because that's what solidarity means through partition and oppression. When the beautiful city was destroyed after the Warsaw uprising during decades under the iron fist of communist rule, Poland endured. Because you stood together. That's how brave leaders of the opposition and the people of Belarus continue to fight for their democracy. That's how the resolve of moldovan people, the resolve of the people who don't want to live in freedom, gained them independence and put them on the path to EU membership. President Sandhu is here today. I'm not sure she is, but I'm proud to stand with you and the freedom loving people of Moldova. Give her *** round of applause. One year and one year into this war, Putin no longer doubts the strength of our coalition, but he still doubts our conviction. He doubts our staying power. He doubts our continued support for Ukraine. He doubts whether NATO can remain unified, but there should be no doubt our support for Ukraine will not waver. NATO will not be divided and we will not tire President Putin's craven lust for land and power will fail and the Ukrainian people's love for their country will prevail, democracies of the world will stand guard over freedom today tomorrow and forever. So that's what's that's what's at stake here. Freedom. That's the message I carried to keep yesterday directly to the people of Ukraine. When President Zelensky said, he came to the United States in december quote, he said, this struggle will define the world and what our Children and grandchildren how they live and then their Children and grandchildren. He wasn't only speaking about the Children and grandchildren of Ukraine. He was speaking about all of our Children and grandchildren, yours and mine. We're seeing again today with the people of Poland and the people across europe saw for decades, appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased. They must be opposed. Autocrats only understand one word. No, no, no, no, you will not take my country. No, you will not take my freedom. No, you will not take my future. And I'll repeat tonight what I said last year, in the same place, *** dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to ease the people's love of liberty, brutality will never grind down the will of the free and Ukraine. Ukraine will never be *** victory for Russia. Never for free people refuse to live in *** world of hopelessness and darkness. You know, this has been an extraordinary year in every sense, extraordinary brutality from Russian forces and mercenaries. They've committed to private these crimes against humanity without shame or compunction they've targeted civilians with death and destruction, used rape as *** weapon of war stolen Ukrainian Children. An attempt in an attempt to steal Ukraine's future bomb train stations, maternity, hospital schools and orphanages. No one no one can turn away their eyes from the atrocities Russia is committing against the Ukrainian people. It's abhorrent. It's abhorrent but extraordinarily as well has been the response of the Ukrainian people and the world. one year after the bombs began to fall, Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine. Ukraine is still independent and free from Kherson to Kharkiv. Ukrainian fighters have reclaimed their land. More than 50% of the territory Russia held last year. The blue and the yellow flag of Ukraine proudly waves once again, President Zelensky still leads the democratic elected government that represents the will of the Ukrainian people. The world has already voted multiple times, including the United Nations General Assembly to condemn Russians aggression and supported just peace each time. In the U. N. That vote has been overwhelming. In October 143 nations, the United Nations condemned Russia's illegal annexation. Only 44 in the entire U. N. voted with Russia four. So tonight I speak once more to the people of Russia. The United States and the nations of europe do not seek to control or destroy Russia. The West was not planning to attack Russia. As Putin said today and millions of Russian citizens only want to live in peace with their neighbors are not the enemy. This war was never *** necessity. It's *** tragedy. President Putin chose this more every day. The work continues is his choice. He could end the war with the word It's simple. If Russia stopped invading Ukraine, it would end the war. If Ukraine stop defending itself against Russia would be the end of Ukraine. That's why together we're making sure Ukraine can defend itself. The United States has assembled *** world worldwide coalition of more than 50 nations to get critical weapons and supplies to the brave Ukrainian fighters in the front lines, air defense systems, artillery, ammunition, tanks, armored vehicles, the european union and its member states have stepped up with unprecedented commitment to Ukraine. Not just security assistance, but economic and humanitarian refugee assistance. And so much more to all of you here tonight. Take *** moment. I'm serious when I say this, turn out and look turn around and look at one another. Look at what you've done so far, Poland is hosting more than 1.5 million refugees from this war. God bless you polish generosity, your willingness to open your hearts and your home is extraordinary. The american people are united in our resolve as well. All across my country, in big cities and small towns. Ukrainian flags fly from american homes Over the past year, democrats and republicans in the United States Congress have come together to stand for freedom. That's who americans are and that's what americans do. The world was also coming together to address the global fallout from President Putin's war. Putin tried to starve the world, blocking the ports in the Black Sea. To stop Ukraine from exporting its grain exacerbating the global food crisis that hit developing nations in Africa especially hard. Instead, the United States and the G7 and partners around the world answered the call with historic commitments to address the crisis and to bolster global food supplies. And this week, my wife Jill Biden is traveling to Africa to help bring attention to this critical issue. Our commitment is to the people of Ukraine and the future of Ukraine. Ukraine is free, sovereign and democratic. That was the dream of those who declared Ukraine's independence more than 30 years ago who led the Orange Revolution and the revolution of dignity, who braved ice and fire in the Badan and the heavenly hunters who died there. Those who continue still to root out Kremlin's efforts to corrupt coerce and control. It's *** dream for those Ukrainian patriots who fought for years against Russia's aggression in the Donbas and the heroes who have given everything given their lives in the service of the beloved Ukraine. I was honored to visit the memorial in Kiev yesterday to pay tribute to the sacrifice of those who lost their lives. Standing alongside President Zelensky, the United States and our partner stand with Ukraine's teachers as hospital staff is emergency responders. The workers in cities across Ukraine are fighting to keep the power on in the face of Russia's cruel bombardment. We stand with the millions of refugees of this war who found *** welcome in europe and the United States, particularly here in Poland. Ordinary people all across europe did whatever they could to help and continue to do so polish businesses, Civil society, cultural leaders including the First lady of Poland who is here tonight, have lead with the heart and determination showcasing all that's good about the human spirit madame. First Lady. We love you. Thank you all. I'll never forget. Last year visiting with refugees from Ukraine who had just arrived in Warsaw seen their faces exhausted and afraid holding their Children so close and they might never see their fathers, their husbands, their brothers or sisters again in that darkest moments of our lives. You the people of Poland offered them safety and light. You embrace them, you literally embrace them. I watched, I watched the looks on their faces. Meanwhile, together we made sure that Russia is paying the price for its abuses. We continue to maintain the largest sanction regime ever imposed in any country in history and we're gonna announce more sanctions this week. Together with our partners will hold accountable. Those are responsible for this war and will seek justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity continuing to be committed by the Russians. You know, there is much for us to be proud of over the all that we have achieved together this past year, but we have to be honest and clear eyed as we look at the year ahead. The defense of freedom is not the work of *** day or of *** year. It's always difficult. It's always important as Ukraine continues to defend itself against the Russian onslaught and launched *** counter offensive of its own. It will continue to be hard and very bitter days, victories and tragedies. But Ukraine is still for the fight ahead. The United States, together with our allies and partners are going to continue to have Ukraine's back as it defends itself. Next year, I will host every member of NATO for our 2024 summit in the United States together Will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the strongest defensive alliance in the history of the world NATO. And let there be no doubt The commitment of the United States to our NATO alliance and Article five is rock solid and every member of NATO knows it and Russia knows it as well. An attack against one is attack against all. It's *** sacred oath, sacred oath to defend every inch of NATO territory. Over the past year, the United States has come together with our allies and partners in an extraordinary coalition to stand against Russian aggression. But the work in front of us is not just what we're against. It's about what we're for. What kind of world do we want to build? We need to take the strength and capacity of this coalition and apply it to lifting up, lifting up the lives of people everywhere, improving health, growing prosperity, preserving the plan of building peace and security, treating everyone with dignity and respect. That's our responsibility. The democracy of the world have to deliver it for our people as we gather tonight. The world in my view is at an inflection point. The decisions we make over the next five years or so are going to determine and shape our lives for decades to come. That's true for americans. That's true for the people of the world. And while decisions are ours to make now the principles and the stakes are eternal. The choice between chaos and stability between building and destroying between hope and fear between democracy lifts up the human spirit and the brutal hand of the dictator who crushes it between nothing less than limitation and possibilities. The kind of possibilities that come when people who live not in captivity but in freedom. Freedom, freedom. There is no sweeter word than freedom. There is no nobler golden freedom. There's no higher aspirations than freedom. Americans know that and you know it and all that we do now must be done. So our Children and grandchildren will know it as well. Freedom. The enemy of the tyrant and the hope of the brave and the truth of the ages. Freedom stand with us. We will stand with you, let us move forward with faith and conviction and with an abiding commitment to be allies not of darkness but of light, not of oppression but of liberation, not of captivity. But yes, of freedom, may God bless you all. May God protect our troops and may God bless the heroes of Ukraine and all those who defend freedom around the world. Thank you Poland. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for what you're doing. God bless you all.

Jill Biden travels to Namibia and Kenya this week

Jill Biden will travel to Namibia and Kenya this week, her first visit to the continent since becoming first lady as the White House looks to strengthen ties with the region.Video above: Biden discusses Ukraine while in PolandThe visit, the first by a White House principal this year to sub-Saharan Africa, begins on Wednesday and will wrap on Sunday, the White House said. It comes ahead of expected visits by her husband President Joe Biden and other senior administration officials later this year."The purpose of her trip is to reaffirm the U.S. government's investments in Africa, not just in their governments, but in their people and to continue her work to empower women and young people," a senior administration official previewing the trip said.Another senior administration official described the trip as a "demonstration of President Biden's commitment that the United States is all in on Africa and all in with Africa."The first lady will arrive Wednesday in Namibia, where "her efforts are really focused on the role of young people in continuing to shape their democracy and advance health cooperation," one official added.Biden then will make her way to Kenya, where food insecurity and the impact of drought in the Horn of Africa will be front and center as she aims to "draw attention to what is a dire and immediate food crisis that cannot wait for further intervention and mobilization from the international community," the official said.She will also meet with the first ladies of each country and engage with organizations that work on youth engagement and women's empowerment, including issues relating to gender-based violence.Biden visited Africa five times as second lady, including a 2011 stop at the largest refugee camp in Kenya as thousands fled Somalia. This will mark her third trip ever to Kenya and first to Namibia, making her the most senior U.S. official to travel to the country since then-Vice President Al Gore visited in 1996.The Biden administration has sought to bolster its relationships with African countries at a time when Russia and China have made inroads in the region, which is home to some of the world's fastest growing economies."Our policy towards Africa is about what we do with Africans," one senior administration official said. "That doesn't mean that we are not aware of the strategic moment we're in, but we are not defining our policy by the role of China in Africa. ... Many of our officials have conversations with Africans about China, but I don't anticipate that to be a focus of this conversation."Last year, the president hosted nearly 50 African leaders at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC, where he announced billions of dollars of investments relating to financing and bolstering democracy. President Biden also said he was "eager" to visit Africa in 2023, adding, "'Some of you invited me to your countries. I said, 'Be careful what you wish for because I may show up.'"The White House has yet to detail when President Biden might visit Africa. Vice President Kamala Harris is also expected to travel to the continent in the coming months.

Jill Biden will travel to Namibia and Kenya this week, her first visit to the continent since becoming first lady as the White House looks to strengthen ties with the region.

Video above: Biden discusses Ukraine while in Poland

The visit, the first by a White House principal this year to sub-Saharan Africa, begins on Wednesday and will wrap on Sunday, the White House said. It comes ahead of expected visits by her husband President Joe Biden and other senior administration officials later this year.

"The purpose of her trip is to reaffirm the U.S. government's investments in Africa, not just in their governments, but in their people and to continue her work to empower women and young people," a senior administration official previewing the trip said.

Another senior administration official described the trip as a "demonstration of President Biden's commitment that the United States is all in on Africa and all in with Africa."

The first lady will arrive Wednesday in Namibia, where "her efforts are really focused on the role of young people in continuing to shape their democracy and advance health cooperation," one official added.

Biden then will make her way to Kenya, where food insecurity and the impact of drought in the Horn of Africa will be front and center as she aims to "draw attention to what is a dire and immediate food crisis that cannot wait for further intervention and mobilization from the international community," the official said.

She will also meet with the first ladies of each country and engage with organizations that work on youth engagement and women's empowerment, including issues relating to gender-based violence.

Biden visited Africa five times as second lady, including a 2011 stop at the largest refugee camp in Kenya as thousands fled Somalia. This will mark her third trip ever to Kenya and first to Namibia, making her the most senior U.S. official to travel to the country since then-Vice President Al Gore visited in 1996.

The Biden administration has sought to bolster its relationships with African countries at a time when Russia and China have made inroads in the region, which is home to some of the world's fastest growing economies.

"Our policy towards Africa is about what we do with Africans," one senior administration official said. "That doesn't mean that we are not aware of the strategic moment we're in, but we are not defining our policy by the role of China in Africa. ... Many of our officials have conversations with Africans about China, but I don't anticipate that to be a focus of this conversation."

Last year, the president hosted nearly 50 African leaders at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC, where he announced billions of dollars of investments relating to financing and bolstering democracy. President Biden also said he was "eager" to visit Africa in 2023, adding, "'Some of you invited me to your countries. I said, 'Be careful what you wish for because I may show up.'"

The White House has yet to detail when President Biden might visit Africa. Vice President Kamala Harris is also expected to travel to the continent in the coming months.

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