
How to find out if you have unclaimed money

The Ohio Department of Commerce has an unclaimed funds division that helps locate rightful owners of abandoned money or assets.

It might be time to check if you can claim some of the state's more than $3.9 billion in abandoned money or assets held by the Ohio Department of Commerce's unclaimed funds division.

Since the start of 2023, a nation-leading 1.3 million Ohioans have searched for unclaimed funds and have claimed more than $104 million. The money will stay there in perpetuity until someone claims it. The money could have been held as far back as 1968. The division does invest the money, which garners interest until the funds are claimed.

Here's what you need to know.

What kind of abandoned funds would show up on the Ohio unclaimed funds list?

Unclaimed money or assets can, among other things, include

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