Oct. 29: Halloween Movie Night and Truck or Treat, 6 p.m., ArtsConnect, 9158 Winton Road, Springfield Township . Not-so-scary movie, trunk or treat with local businesses, pumpkin painting, hay maze, ghost races, scavenger hunt, free hot chocolate and coffee, costumes encouraged. Free. Rainout info: 513-522-2108. facebook.com .
Oct. 29: Nighttime Trail Fest, 7-9 p.m., Cincinnati Nature Center, Milford . Wear costumes for this non-spooky woodland Halloween adventure. Ages 12-under plus caregiver. $8. cincynature.org .
Oct. 29: Madcap Puppets' Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 7 p.m., Fairfield Community Arts Center, 411 Wessel Drive, Fairfield . $17, $12 ages 12-under. fairfieldoh.gov/tickets .
Oct. 29: Thrills on Wheels, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Bramble Park, 6395 Bramble Ave., Madisonville . Spooky, original indie films full of suspense and surprise. Ages 6-up. Free. reelsonwheelscincy.com .
Oct. 30: Hall o Ween at the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Reds Hall of Fame and Museum, 100 Joe Nuxhall Way, Downtown . Trick or treat stations, "haunted theater" and giveaways around the museum, costume contests for kids and adults at 2 p.m. with celebrity judge. $4-$12, free ages 12-under. 513-765-7923; redsmuseum.org .
Oct. 30: Gourdy's Pumpkin Run, Bonnybrook Farms, 3779 Ohio 132, Clarksville . Dress up in costume and run this 5K. bonnybrookfarms.com/gourdyspumpkinrun .
Oct. 30: Pioneer Trick or Treat, 3-6 p.m. Caesar's Creek Pioneer Village, 3999 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville . Cabins of village will be open for trick or treat fun. Free. ccpv.us .
Oct. 30: Trick or Treat, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Crestview Hills Town Center, 2791 Town Center Blvd., Crestview Hills .
Oct. 30: Trick or Treat, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Covington Yard, 401 Greenup St., Covington .
Oct. 30: Merchant Trick or Treat, 2-4 p.m., Downtown Lebanon . Family-friendly trick or treat. mainstreetlebanon.org .
Oct. 30: Treat Street, 2-4 p.m., Bridgewater Falls, 3385 Princeton Road, Fairfield Township . Ages 12-under can trick or treat.
Oct. 30: Hotel Transylvania, 11 a.m., Hueston Woods Lodge, 5201 Lodge Road, Oxford . Kids can meet some creepy critters up close and learn the myths behind the "monsters" and the truth that makes them not so scary.
Oct. 30: Thrills on Wheels, 6:30-9:30 p.m., CampSITE Sculpture Park, 2866 Colerain Ave., Camp Washington . Spooky, original indie films full of suspense and surprise. Ages 6-up. Free. reelsonwheelscincy.com .
Oct. 31: Trick or Treat at the Market, 4-6 p.m., Findlay Market, 1801 Race St., Over-the-Rhine . Market vendors hand out candy, free costumes for kids to take and wear, Halloween music and kids activities and games. findlaymarket.org .
Oct. 31: Northern Pendleton Trunk or Treat, 3-6 p.m., Northern Pendleton Fire Dept., 5900 Highway 154, Butler . Hand out candy with firefighters.
Oct. 31: Halloween Night Real Witches Dance, 8 p.m., Northside . Witch light show dance with spooky music. Candy.
All about pumpkins
Through Oct. 31: Apples, Pumpkins and More, noon-9 p.m. Thursday-Friday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Hidden Valley Orchards, 5474 N. Ohio 48, Lebanon . U-pick apples. Festival weekends feature fall foods, family fun and live entertainment. 513-932-1869; hiddenvalleyorchards.com .
Through Oct. 31: Barn Market, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily, Greystone Farm, 15412 Wilson Creek Road, Lawrenceburg . Farm stand inside barn with pumpkins, seasonal produce, eggs, honey and more. All meat farm-raised, antibiotic-free and no hormones. 812-926-2132; greystonefamilyfarm.com .
Through Oct. 31: Sugar Ridge Family Farm, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 12273 Green Road, Walton . Wagon ride to pick a small pumpkin, petting zoo, scavenger hunt, playground, kids tent with games, trolley ride. Bounce houses, corn cannon, barrel train and more. Food and drinks, including beer and wine, for purchase. $8, free for ages 2-under.
More: Pumpkin patches and fall farm festivals to check out in the Cincinnati area
Through Oct. 31: Fall Festival, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Shaw Farms, 1737 Ohio 131, Milford . Tractor or horse-drawn hayrides (weather permitting), 15-acre corn maze, interactive playground, farm animals and special weekend activities. Farm fresh produce through September. Free admission. Activities $3-$7 per person. 513-575-2022; shawfarmmarket.com .
Through Oct. 31: Fall Fun, 10 a.m.-8:45 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday, Niederman Family Farm, 5110 Lesourdsville West Chester Road, Liberty Township . 4-acre corn maze, hayrides, climbing web and more. Purchase tickets online only, no walk-ins. 513-779-3228; niedermanfamilyfarm.com .
Through Oct. 31: Fall Mums and Crafts, noon-9 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sunday, Wendel Farms, 8134 N. State Line Road, Brookville . Farm open for fall mums and decorations sales. Corn maze, pumpkin patch and petting farm have been discontinued. 812-775-9051; wendelfarms.com .
Through Oct. 31: Farm Market, Schaefer's Farm Market, 5024 Jacksonburg Road, Trenton . Organic 15-acre pumpkin patch and farm market with home-produced jams, jellies, honey, eggs and more. 513-726-5307; schaefersfarmmarket.com .
Through Oct. 31: Fall Pumpkin Fest, noon-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, McMonigle Farms, 5490 S. Dixie Hwy, Franklin . U-pick pumpkins, hayrides, corn maze, cow train rides, farm animals and seasonal treats. 937-672-8248; fallpumpkinfest.com .
Through Oct. 31: Pumpkin Patch, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily, Burwinkel Farms, 4359 Hamilton Cleves Road, Ross . 513-738-1145; facebook.com/burwinkelfarms .
Through Oct. 31: Pumpkin Patch, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. daily, Kleather’s Pumpkin Patch, 90 W. Central Ave., Springboro . Harvesting hand-planted pumpkins since 1976. Pumpkins, gourds, apple cider and more. kleathers.com .
Through Oct. 31: Pumpkin Patch & Fall Festival, 4-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 2-7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Country Pumpkins, 1835 Sherman Mount Zion Road, Dry Ridge . U-pick pumpkin patch, hayrides, chunkin’ pumpkin launcher, turbo slide, barrel train ride, corn boxes, animals, kids’ corn maze, sand tunnels play area and more. Rides only on weekends. 859-905-9656; countrypumpkinsky.com .
Through Oct. 31: Pumpkins, Corn Maze & Hayrides, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Iron’s Fruit Farm, 1640 Stubbs Mill Road, Lebanon . FC Cincinnati-themed corn maze, pumpkin patch, hayrides and more. During October, hayrides to pumpkin patch run from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 513-932-2853; ironsfruitfarm.com .
Through Oct. 31: U-Pick Apples, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday, A&M Farm Orchard, 22141 Ohio 251, Midland . U-pick apples, pumpkins, squash, jams, jellies, apple butter, cider and more. Cash and check only. 513-875-2500; facebook.com/am-farm-orchard .
Through Oct. 31: U-Pick Pumpkins, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays, noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Simmons Farm, 3020 Schaller Road, Bethel . Features pick your own pumpkins, corn maze, hay rides and trebuchet. Jams, jellies and honey from farm's apiary available for purchase. Free admission. 513-734-3117; facebook.com/simmonsfarms ..
Through Oct. 31: U-Pick Pumpkins, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekends, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, McGlasson Farms, 5832 River Road, (Route 8) Hebron . Pick your own pumpkins. 859-689-5229; mcglassonfarms.com .
Through Oct. 31: Pick Your Own Pumpkin, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Garver Farm, 6716 Hamilton Lebanon Road, Middletown . Pick your own pumpkins. 513-539-6366. garverfarmmarket.com .
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Through Oct. 31: Fall Fest , 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday, Kinman Farms, 4175 Burlington Pike, Burlington . Hayride, Great Pumpkin Express rides, 5-acre corn maze, carnival tent, live bands, pony rides, lazer tag and more. Open during week for produce purchases. 859-689-2682; kinmanfarm.com .
Through Oct. 30: Fall Family Weekends, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily, Brown’s Family Farm Market, 11620 Hamilton Cleves Road, Hamilton . Rides 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, weather permitting. Pumpkin patch, hayrides, corn maze, straw maze, farm animals, picnic area and play areas. 513-738-0404; facebook.com/brownsfarmmarket .
Through Oct. 31: Fall on the Farm, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily, Blooms and Berries Farm Market, 9669 S. Ohio 48, Loveland . Pumpkin patches, hayrides, a pumpkin bounce pad, 5-acre corn maze, farm animals, play area and more. Tickets must be purchased in advance online. $14.95 Saturday-Sunday, $10.95 Monday-Friday. 513-697-9173; bloomsandberries.com .
Through Oct. 31: Waynesville Fall Fest, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 7392 E. Ohio 73, Waynesville . Splash landing expeditions, mini golf, water wars, playsets, walking trails, ghost town village, 5-acre maze, games and more. Oct 30: Halloween party. $10, $8 ages 10-under, free ages 2-under. waynesvillefallfest.com .
Through Oct. 24: Fall on the Farm, 11-6 p.m. Saturdays, noon-5 p.m. Sundays, Jackson Family Farm, 6780 W. Alexandria Road, Middletown . Pumpkin patch, corn maze, pedal tractors, pumpkin cannon, petting zoo, giant pumpkin jump pad and more. $10. facebook.com/jacksonfamilyfarmmadison .
Through Oct. 31: Fall Festival, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. weekends, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, Neltner’s Farm, 6922 Four Mile Road, Melbourne . Pick-your-own pumpkin patch, corn maze, petting zoo, pony rides, live music and more. $5 weekends ages 3-up, free weekdays (some activities not available). 859-496-7535; neltnersfarm.com .
Through Oct. 31: Fall Fun at the Farm, Burger Farm & Garden Center, 7849 Main St., Newtown . Weekend admission includes hayride to pumpkin patch, puppet shows, giant straw castle, challenge course, vine climb, mini zip lines, barnyard games, live entertainment and more. $12, $8 ages 65-up. 513-561-8634; burgerfarms.com .
Haunted houses/attractions
Through Nov. 6: Terror Town, 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Friday-Saturday, 1449 Greenbush Cobb Road, Williamsburg . $25-$35. allhallowsevellc.com .
Through Oct. 31: Land of Illusion Haunted Scream Park, 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Friday-Saturday, 8762 Thomas Road, Middletown . Oct. 29-30: Witches; Oct. 31: Spook-o-Rama. $75 fast pass, $50 general. landofillusion.com .
Through Oct. 31: The Dent Schoolhouse, 7:30 p.m.-10 p.m. Thursday and Sunday, 7:30-midnight Friday-Saturday, Dent Schoolhouse, 5963 Harrison Ave., Dent . Tickets sold in time slots. Movie quality sets and Hollywood animations. Friday-Saturday tickets include admission to Queen City Slaughter Yard. $25-$55. frightsite.com .
Prepare for a fright this Halloween! Your guide to 22 of Ohio's best haunted houses
Through Nov. 6: USS Nightmare, 7 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, USS Nightmare, 101 Riverboat Row, Newport . Two decks of pure horror. Captain's Extreme tours on Nov. 5-6. RIP Experience is hands-on immersive experience. $18-$48. ussnightmare.com .
Through Oct. 30: Sandyland Acres Haunted Hayride, 8 p.m.-midnight Friday-Saturday, 4172 Bellview Road, Petersburg . Hayride $15, Barn $10, $23 Combo.859-322-0516. sandylandacres.com .
Through Oct. 31: Nightmare Manor, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Friday-Saturday, 1601 S. University Blvd., suite A, Middletown . Opens at 7 p.m. in October. 513-849-2021; nightmaremanor.net .
Through Oct. 30: Halloween Haunt, 6 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Kings Island, 6300 Kings Island Drive, Mason . Amusement park becomes immersive haunted attraction featuring scare mazes, scare zones, live entertainment and rides. Not recommended for ages under 13. $39.99-up. visitkingsisland.com .
Through Oct. 30: Brimstone Haunt, 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Brimstone Haunt, 472 Brimstone Road, Wilmington . Four attractions to choose from: Haunted Hayride, Forgotten Forest, Psychosis, Zombie Assault. brimstonehaunt.com .
Through Oct. 30: Mount Healthy Haunted Hall, 8-11 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 7-9 p.m. Sunday, 7700 Seward Ave., Mount Healthy . Features classic favorites like Wolfman, Frankenstein, Dracula and the Bate's Motel. $15 fast pass, $10 general. Bring 2 cans of soup on Sundays for $5 discount. hauntedhallinfo.com .
Spine-tingling tours
Through Nov. 6: Ultimate Queen City is Haunted, Thursday-Saturday, American Legacy Tours, 1332 Vine St., Over-the-Rhine . 2-hour walking tour features terrifying true stories of Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, finishing with visit to historic Emery Theater. $39. americanlegacytours.com .
Through Oct. 30: Newport is Haunted, Friday-Saturday, American Legacy Tours, 18 E. Fifth St., Newport . Walking tour exploring streets of Newport while hearing spooky true tales of murder, suicide and decapitation. $29. americanlegacytours.com .
Through Oct. 30: Covington is Haunted, Friday-Saturday, American Legacy Tours, 129 E. Second St., Covington . Tour begins outside the Gruff. Hear about ghosts that haunt Covington. americanlegacytours.com .
Oct. 22-30: Spooky Secrets Walking Tour, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Covington Plaza, 1 Madison Ave., Covington . 2-mile walking tour covers 10 stops. Hear ghost stories, creepy history and other scary stuff related to city. Rain or shine. $40-$60. eventbrite.com .
Oct. 28-29: Aurora Ghost Walks, 7 p.m., Hillforest Victorian House Museum. 213 Fifth St., Aurora . Tour streets of Aurora after dark with historian Jim Waldon and learn about unseen inhabitants of town. $10. 812-926-1100; hillforest.org .
Oct. 29-30: Dinner and Paranormal Investigations, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Arnold's Bar and Grill, 210 E. Eighth St., Downtown . 3-course dinner from chef Kayla Robison followed by guided paranormal investigation. $90 includes meal, 2 alcoholic beverages and investigation. No other alcoholic drinks allowed other than the two with dinner. arnoldsghosthunt.com .
Oct. 30: Halloween Paranormal Investigation, 8 p.m.-2 a.m., Caesar Creek Pioneer Village, 3999 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville . Tickets must be purchased in advance. $40. ccpv.us .
Oct. 31: Ghost Tour, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-4 p.m., Washington Park, 1230 Elm St., Over-the-Rhine . Sponsored by Ish Festival. Meet ghosts of Jewish Cincinnati's past on this guided walking tour. Visit the old Jewish Cemetery, the cursed Opera House and the streets Jewish Cincinnatians called home. $10. linktr.ee/ishfestival
Oct. 31: Bobby Mackey's Ghost Hunt, 8:30 p.m.-4 a.m. Bobby Mackey's, 44 Licking Pike, Wilder . Reported to be one of the most haunted locations in America. Ticket includes overnight access, group seances, ghost hunting, refreshments. $129. bobbymackey.com .