
Study claims Ohio early high achievers lose academic edge by high school

A new study by the Fordham Insitute claims many of Ohio's smartest students lose their academic edge by the time they reach high school.

There's a problem with the way Ohio educates its smartest students. 

Many of Ohio's early high achievers, students who score in the top 20% on their third-grade exams, lose their academic edge by the time they reach high school, according to a study released Tuesday by the Fordham Institute.

"Excellence gaps" emerge for economically disadvantaged kids and students of color and by the time they reach high school, less than half of those kids (47% and 41% respectively) took the ACT college entrance exam. Those who took the test scored lower than their wealthier, whiter counterparts. And just 26% of Black early high achievers went on to enroll in four-year colleges.

"In other words, high-achieving white and affluent students are much more likely to remain high achieving than their Black and lower-income peers," Michigan State University professor Scott Imberman said.

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