
Mitch McConnell gets COVID-19 vaccine booster shot Monday

U.S Sen. Mitch McConnell got a COVID-19 booster shot Monday, the Kentucky Republican announced.

"Today, I followed the advice of experts and my doctors and received a booster vaccination for COVID-19," he said in a tweet. "Mountains of evidence tell us these shots are safe and effective. I continue to encourage all Americans to speak with their doctors and get vaccinated."

In a speech on the Senate floor Monday, McConnell said the decision to get a booster shot was "easy," noting his experience surviving polio has helped shape his positive views on vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccine boosters in Kentucky:Here's what we know and what we don't

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has endorsed booster shots for many who got the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago. 

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