
If Biden mandates COVID vaccines, South Dakota will challenge him

Last week, President Joe Biden claimed “this is not about freedom or personal choice” regarding COVID-19 vaccinations. The value of personal responsibility far outweighs government mandates, especially as we learn more about COVID-19, the vaccine and therapeutic treatment options. The Constitution grants public health authority to the states.

We will not be mandating COVID-19 vaccinations in South Dakota. The Biden administration has no business forcing vaccinations on the American people through executive decree or rule. Biden has no constitutional authority to do so.

The case law cited by those supporting Biden’s actions does not defend what he is doing. Those cases are based on state and local public health powers. That’s a key distinction. Under the 10th Amendment, public health is left to the states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

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