When major news breaks anywhere in the country, our journalists are on the scene quickly. We often get asked, "How did you get people there so fast?"
Our answer: We don't have to "get" there, we are there.
USA TODAY has journalists spread across the country, and partners each day on coverage with more than 200 news organizations in the USA TODAY Network, from the Arizona Republic to the Detroit Free Press to the Providence (R.I.) Journal.
It's a powerful combination: original, on-the-ground reporting with a national perspective. Facts you can trust, because we're reporting them firsthand. Reporters asking tough questions and digging for records in statehouses and courthouses across the USA.
Viewpoints from all parts of the country , not just its coasts.
Each month, about 90 million unique visitors come to USA TODAY's digital platforms for investigations that change laws and lives , smart sports analysis , expert science and health reporting , and entertainment and consumer news to help you make the most of your time and money.
We've become part of your daily news habit, and we're honored to serve you.
Now we're asking our readers to help support premium journalism.
Much of the content on USA TODAY will still be free. But you'll find a selection of stories each day marked "subscriber only." These will be exclusive investigations , sophisticated visual explainers , thought-provoking takes on the news and immersive storytelling .
This is a big change; our digital news has always been free. But USA TODAY was founded on boldness.
Your subscription is an investment in quality journalism that's worth paying for, journalism that strengthens our communities and our nation.
And we've got big plans.
We're continuing to invest in our investigative reporting (most recently breaking a string of exclusive stories from the Surfside condo collapse). We're creating new ways to present content clearly and quickly (check out this visualization on tornado alley ). We're bringing in new voices (have you read Connie Schultz? ) to help make sense of this complicated world we share. And just wait until you see the team from USA TODAY cover Team USA at the Tokyo Olympics.
We know how busy you are, so – true to our roots – we're constantly innovating ways to quickly, concisely, expertly deliver news with topical newsletters , daily podcasts , news by text and interactive chats with experts .
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We know you'll have more questions. You'll find answers here.
But here's the bottom line: We are partners in this democracy. Together, we'll hold the powerful accountable. Together, we'll look out for the less fortunate, the marginalized. We will lean on each other for solutions that make our lives easier, better. We'll grow together when we understand perspectives different than our own, when we meet and hear from people outside our social media bubbles.
We are proud to tell the diverse, rich story of the USA, every day.
We thank you for supporting this important work.
Maribel Perez Wadsworth is publisher of USA TODAY and president of news for the USA TODAY Network. Nicole Carroll is editor-in-chief of USA TODAY.
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