
What happens next in Ohio’s fight over guns in public schools

Children of all ages are heading back to school, and parents should keep a few things in mind to ensure their safety.

Ohio teachers who keep guns in their classrooms will have to leave them at home or attend peace officer training thanks to a 4-3 ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court

The Wednesday ruling struck down a Southwest Ohio school's policy that let employees with concealed handgun licenses and a 24-hour training course carry weapons while in school. The court said state law requires full peace office training, which takes about 700 hours to complete. 

State lawmakers could write a new law with standards for armed school personnel. The justices were clear on that point. But if they want it to take effect before kids return to the classroom this fall, they need to act by June 30. 

Legislation in the works

Republicans in the House and Senate have introduced bills that would lower the requirements for districts wanting to arm their employees. 

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