
Asking doctors what to do about unvaccinated children this summer

Kids are revved up for summer. Temperatures are sizzling. Masks are off, for the most part, because most of the novel coronavirus pandemic restrictions have been lifted. 

But wait. The youngest children can't get a COVID-19 vaccine yet. And just about 2 in 5 of people eligible have been vaccinated around here, which means a majority hasn't.

Will your kids have to be masked all summer? Can you take them into an ice cream parlor? What about swimming? To gain some insight, we asked Cincinnati-area infectious disease experts, "If you have children or grandchildren under age 12, would you do this, doc?"

Here's who responded:

  • Dr. Jennifer Forrester,  associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and associate chief medical officer at UC Health.
  • Dr. Thomas Lamarre, infectious disease specialist, Christ Hospital.
  • Dr. Robert Frenck, infectious disease specialist and director of the Gamble Vaccine Research Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
  • Dr. Dheeraj Goyal, infectious disease specialist, Mercy Health-Infectious Disease, Fairfield.

Here's what we asked, and what they said.

Summer camp - outside only? Masks?

Question 1: Would you send them to summer day camps that are only outside? Wearing a mask?

Children join an activity during an ArtsConnect summer day camp.

Forrester: "We have learned that ventilation helps decrease the risk of acquiring COVID-19. ​I would allow my children to attend summer camps outside. If they are in close proximity in a large group or indoors, I would want them to put on a mask."

Lamarre: "Yes, I would do this. Generally speaking, I would not have them wear a mask outside."

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