WILLIAMSBURG, Ohio — Saturday's Bill Brewer Honor Run at Williamsburg High School celebrates the life and legacy of Det. Bill Brewer.
"We just want to continue his memory, so nobody forgets the sacrifice that he made," Rachel Lefker, an event participant, said.
In February 2019, Brewer, a 20-year veteran of the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office, was killed in a 12-hour-long standoff with a suspect in an apartment complex in Pierce Township.
RELATED: Wade Winn accepts plea deal to avoid possible death penalty in killing of Deputy Bill Brewer
"Deputy Brewer gave his life attempting to help a person who was admittedly suicidal," Sheriff Steve Leahy said in a statement. “This will forever change the atmosphere of the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office.”
Now, people are coming together to remember Brewer with 5K and 10K runs, and to raise money for scholarships at his alma mater, Williamsburg High School.
Money raised from the 5K will go towards scholarships available to any senior at Willaimsburg High School, and the money from the 10K will go towards the Williamsburg High School football team. Brewer is an Athletic Hall of Fame Athlete for Williamsburg.