Cincy NewsNews

Local organizations light up blue to support Foster Care Awareness Month

ALEXANDRIA, Ky. — Some organizations, like the Alexandria Police Department, have been lighting up their offices blue this month to support National Foster Care Awareness Month across the Tri-State.

Lisa Daniel, a SAFY foster care recruiter, said the goal of National Foster Care Awareness Month is to educate the community on the backgrounds of kids in foster care. In Kentucky, about 48% of kids in foster care are older than 11 years old and close to 70% of kids have at least one sibling in foster care as well.

"We need families that will take older youth, adolescents, teenagers," Daniel said. "We also need families that will take sibling groups. One of the things that we want more than anything is to keep brothers and sisters together. So we need families that will take two, three, four kids together."

SAFY also has a goal of getting every home and business in Northern Kentucky to light up blue before the end of May to support National Foster Care Awareness Month.

If you want to help take care of a child, but foster care feels like too much for you, you can also sign-up for respite care. This is similar to a weekend at Grandma's house, where you offer a place for foster kids to come for the weekend and then they return to the foster home on Monday.

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