FAMILY: Butterflies of Bali, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. daily, Krohn Conservatory, 1501 Eden Park Drive, Mount Adams. Timed ticket entry. Runs May 8-Sept. 6. Reservations:
MUSIC: Jazz on the Porch, 6-9 p.m., Washington Park, 1230 Elm St., Over-the-Rhine. Featuring Petra van Nuis & Andy Brown Quintet with pianist Rob Allgeyer, bassist Chris Berg and drummer Jim Leslie. Free.
Tuesday, May 25
ART ENDING SOON: Anila Quayyum Agha: All the Flowers Are for Me, 111 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursdays, Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Mount Adams. The popular exhibition, first displayed in 2017, features a work by the Pakistani and American artist who creates immersive installations by manipulating light. Runs through May 30. Free. Reservations required.
VIRTUAL: Growing Into the Struggle for Racial Justice, 7 p.m. livestreaming. Young leaders discuss experiences growing up and growing into political consciousness in the wake of Timothy Thomas's murder and the civil unrest of 2001. Sponsored by Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, Cincinnati Museum Center, the Woman's City Club of Cincinnati and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Register: