
Officers buy basketball hoop for Warren County boy hero

A Warren County sheriff deputy and some  Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers pitched in to buy a 9-year-old Warren County boy and his 6-year-old brother a new basketball hoop after a wreck in the boys' front yard destroyed their hoop. From left are Deputy Sean Mason, Trooper Adam Pollitt, Joel Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Trooper Benjamin Kirby and Trooper Patrick Wright.

A Warren County mother is thanking God for protecting her two young sons from harm when a man driving a truck sped through their front yard and crashed into their house.

Jenn Steinmetz said the truck killed their dog and narrowly missed hitting her children, 9-year-old Joel and 6-year-old Jacob.

Steinmetz also is praising Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers and a Warren County sheriff deputy who worked the crash for pitching in to buy the boys a basketball hoop to replace one destroyed by the errant driver.

Some of the law-enforcement officers showed up at the Steinmetz’ home this week to give the boys the hoop as well as some badges. They called Joel a hero for getting his little brother out of the path of the careening truck.

'We are forever grateful for these officers'

“We are forever grateful for these officers for keeping our family in their thoughts and prayers,” Steinmetz said in a Facebook post.

“Police officers often do not get the recognition they deserve and we can’t help but thank them for treating our family like their own.”

Steinmetz said Joel and Jacob were playing in the front yard of their Harlan Township home the evening of April 25 when a truck driver veered toward them.

“Little Joel saw the truck drive off the road, yelling for his brother to run,” she said.

“The driver came barreling through the yard at a very high speed, right where the boys were playing. The driver struck two trees, our truck, our house, and our 12-year-old lab.

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