PENDLETON, Ohio (WKRC) - When police officers in Hamilton County pass away, an honor guard ensures they receive a fitting tribute at their funerals.
The founding member of Hamilton County's Police Honor Guard was honored Tuesday. Retired Forest Park Police Chief Phil Cannon founded the group 19 years ago.
On Tuesday, he became the first member inducted into the Police Honor Guard Hall of Fame at the Greater Cincinnati Police Museum in Pendleton.
"I've done a lot of things in my career and been very, very fortunate to be part of a lot of things, but being part of this honor guard and this unit behind me has been the greatest thing I've ever done in law enforcement," Cannon said.
"With the artifacts and the tours we give, people can get a better understanding of what policing was, what it is," said Bill Beuke of the Cincinnati Police Museum.
Cannon estimates he's been a part of 400 funerals.
The police museum is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.