A man accused of sexually assaulting girls in two states over multiple decades was sentenced Friday to 19 years in an Ohio prison, although he still faces charges in Kentucky.
Authorities in Hamilton County charged William Blankenship with sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl, a 14-year-old girl and a woman between 1999 and 2001. The attacks happened in the area of Mount Washington and Anderson Township, within a two-mile radius, officials said.
Prosecutors said Blankenship, now 58, sought to sexually assault girls.
In the case of the woman he attacked, prosecutors said in court documents that he was targeting the woman's teenage daughter, who on the night of the incident happened to be spending the night at another location. The 37-year-old woman, in fact, found Blankenship in her daughter's bedroom, standing beside the girl's bed, "with her … clock radio in his hands." He had broken into the apartment.