
Cincinnati’s Turner Farms connecting people with the land that feeds them

INDIAN HILL – Danny Losekamp emerged from the forest like a firefighter emerging from a burning building, lugging the 1-day-old calf over his shoulder to safety.

The newborn had been lying in the sun when he was spooked and began sprinting off into the distance, its young legs already quick.

Losekamp, Turner Farm's livestock and pastures manager, ran toward the intermittent zapping of the pasture's electric fence to prevent the calf from getting struck. Five minutes later, he returned in dramatic fashion, 70-pound calf in tow.

Calves have a directional instinct for their birthplace, and that's exactly where he was headed, Losekamp said. Soon, the calf was back in the shade, secure by its mother’s side.

It was just another day at Turner Farm, an educational nonprofit in Indian Hill. 

But while animal drama is an everyday occurrence at Turner Farm, it's more well-known for its mission of sustainable agriculture.

It’s not the hippie, modern, save the world one Meatless Monday at a time kind of sustainability some might expect, though. It’s much simpler than that.

It's about recreating a natural, closed-loop ecosystem that benefits animals, land and the community. 

"Trying to mimic nature is leading to better nutrition for the animals, better welfare for the animals and better health for people," Losekamp said. "This system creates healthier soil, produces more grass, produces more bugs, produces more insects, produces more wildlife, which means we can produce more food.” 

Chicken drama

Earlier, the chickens had some drama of their own. Due to a rare poultry lice infestation, Turner Farm was catching every chicken, checking for pests and spraying them with what Losekamp called a “gentle insecticide.” It was a big operation, and the chickens didn’t want any part of it.

Danny Losekamp tries to catch a chicken that has escaped its enclosure at Turner Farm in Indian Hill. The chickens are moved from pasture to pasture to graze the land where their droppings fertilize the soil.

Enter the hawk net.

“Ever gone fishing for poultry?” Losekamp said.

As he waved the hawk net in the air, an action that chickens confused for the predator, its swooping disturbance set off a unified fluttering of feathers and cacophony of clucking. The wave of motion was so synchronized it was as if all 200 chickens shared one brain.

After several failed attempts, Losekamp caught a chicken long enough to check under its feathers for poultry lice. All clear. Just 199 some odd chickens to go.

Chickens at Turner Farm in Indian Hill that are used for meat and laying hens are pasture-raised.

Chickens are omnivores, evident by their pointed beaks. Their natural diet includes a healthy dose of insects in addition to plants and seeds, which Turner Farm provides through fresh, non-GMO feed from local farms. They aren't meant to live off grain, cooped up indoors, a common occurrence in Big Agriculture, Losekamp said.

Turner Farm makes sure the flock has room to move by shifting its "Egg Mobile" chicken coop several lengths daily and the outdoor pasture's electric fence weekly. They are protected from real hawks by Snowball, a Great Pyrenees named by former camp kids.

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