
Meet The Enquirer’s Julia Fair, your eyes and ears in Northern Kentucky

The Enquirer's Report for America reporter Julia Fair.

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Meet Julia Fair

Position at The Enquirer: Report for America corps member and Northern Kentucky government watchdog reporter since 2019

Why I became a journalist

I’ve always enjoyed writing. When I was 15, I learned how I could use that passion in a career to tell people about what was going in their neighborhoods. I lived across the street from a recreational community lake in Solon, Ohio, which desperately needed a new dam that was part of the city’s flood infrastructure. But no one could agree on who should pay for the dam: The neighbors, the city, or the state? My dad called the local journalist every time there was an update to the story. It took 10 years, but the dam finally got replaced and I think journalism helped it happen.   

What I like best about my job

I like to take government legalese language and explain it in plain-speak to our readers so they know exactly what’s going on in their communities and how it may impact them. 

A story I worked on that has had a lasting impact on me

In college, a woman who had been sexually assaulted her first week on campus granted me an interview for the student newspaper. She had been using university resources to get counseling, but those services shifted when the program director took a new job. I felt an enormous amount of responsibility to tell the woman’s story right with such a sensitive topic. I think about that interview whenever I tackle sensitive topics.  

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