CINCINNATI — The Mayerson JCC is hosting their third annual Oy Vey 5K in Amberley Village,
They’re hoping to raise $20,000 this year to support their sports and recreation programs.
“Our sport programs are great connectors. The kids meet each other, they play, they want to come back to play with their friends again. Then on the sidelines their parents are connecting, so this community center is a wonderful place for connection,” said the Senior Director of Sports Anne Goldstein.
Goldstein noted the funds raised would benefit both adults and children.
She added they currently have men’s basketball and softball and youth soccer, baseball, archery, and basketball.
Goldstein said their goal is to connect people in the Jewish community while promoting healthy lifestyles.
Mayerson JCC has a Meals on Wheels, an aquatic center, a senior center, a childhood center, and a fitness center.
The 5K starts at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Registration opens at 9 a.m.