The Cincinnati Zoo recently welcomed a new African penguin named Nicole. Zoo officials said African penguins have dot-like markings speckled across their white chests."These flecks help to individualize each penguin, as each penguin's feather pattern is as individual as a human's fingerprints," the Cincinnati Zoo wrote on Facebook.Related video above: Cincinnati Zoo’s new exhibit gives penguins 3 times more space to swim, breed, playThe African penguin typically weighs six to seven pounds and its average lifespan is 18 years.Right now, guests can head to the Cincinnati Zoo to experience the 2021 Festival of Lights. The Festival of Lights will run from Nov. 19 through Jan. 9. The event is included with zoo admission. Click here to learn more.
The Cincinnati Zoo recently welcomed a new African penguin named Nicole.
Zoo officials said African penguins have dot-like markings speckled across their white chests.
"These flecks help to individualize each penguin, as each penguin's feather pattern is as individual as a human's fingerprints," the Cincinnati Zoo wrote on Facebook.
Related video above: Cincinnati Zoo’s new exhibit gives penguins 3 times more space to swim, breed, play
The African penguin typically weighs six to seven pounds and its average lifespan is 18 years.
Right now, guests can head to the Cincinnati Zoo to experience the 2021 Festival of Lights. The Festival of Lights will run from Nov. 19 through Jan. 9. The event is included with zoo admission. Click here to learn more.
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