
The history of Ohio’s Phil Bucklew, father of Naval Special Warfare

Great journeys often begin in a simple and unexpected place.

Seven years ago, Xavier University's men's basketball team was in New York to play St. John's.

Images of Capt. Phil Bucklew, from his years of military service.

Matt Jennings, the strength and conditioning coach at the time, was reading a history book at the team's hotel, and he noticed one name kept appearing over and over.

"Who is Captain Phil Bucklew?" Jennings thought.

So he did a Google search.

Jennings clicked on the first link he found, and near the top of that page, he was floored by a small detail that caught his eye. 

This guy went to Xavier.

And after he graduated in 1936, Bucklew went on to become an American war hero with a military career that ran from the 1942 invasion of North Africa through Italy and France and China during World War II, to Korea and Vietnam. 

Capt. Phil Bucklew, the father of Naval Special Warfare

He had scouted the beaches in Sicily and Normandy in advance of those invasions, collecting sand samples and evading German patrols. He had been in one of the lead boats on D-Day, responsible for landing troops on Omaha Beach. He then walked across China on a reconnaissance mission, and for his service, he was awarded two Navy Crosses and a Silver Star. 

Today, Bucklew's known as the Father of Naval Special Warfare, a nod to his efforts for consolidating the Navy's special operations units, including the SEALs, under one umbrella and developing their training and problem-solving tactics. 

He is not well known. He never expected to be. But Phil Bucklew did what he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it, the way he was supposed to do it.

Not for himself, but for his country.

Jennings thought it was time he was recognized by a proud school and a grateful nation.

Columbus, Ohio, 1914: 'All I wanted was to play football'

There was a lot to learn about Bucklew's life, the strength coach would discover. 

The passage of time has meant that first-hand accounts of Bucklew's story aren't easy to find. 

A list of Phil Bucklew's Achievements from his high school year book.

But before he died in 1992, Bucklew spoke with John T. Mason Jr., the U.S. Naval Institute's Director of Oral History, for a series of interviews. 

The Enquirer obtained the transcripts of those interviews, titled "Reminiscences of Captain Phil H. Bucklew, USN, retired," which were conducted in 1980 from Bucklew's home in Fairfax, Virginia. The Enquirer spoke to two men who knew him and searched archives for his decades-long trek around the world serving his country. 

Bucklew was born on Dec. 18, 1914, in Columbus, Ohio.

His family lived near the campus of Ohio State, where Bucklew became fascinated with Buckeye football.

"I think all I wanted to do in those early years was to play football," said Bucklew.

Bucklew wasn't physically built for it, but that didn't stop him from trying. One of his neighbors, a football manager at Columbus' North High School, got him a jersey, and instead of chasing him off, the coach let him play.

He became a captain of the team and earned all-city honors, but he was young as a senior, only 16, and wasn't ready to play at Ohio State.

Quote by Capt. Phil Bucklew

While still in high school, he joined the Naval Reserve by stretching his age by about four years, he said, initially enticed by the pay – $1.20 per drill.

At an awards dinner before graduation, he was approached by Clem Crowe, an assistant football coach at Xavier at the time, who convinced him to try out for the Musketeers.

A Cincinnati Enquirer article on Capt. Phil Bucklew

"It worked out and I stayed all four years," he said. 

After Bucklew graduated, he began coaching at Xavier with a plan to start law school at the University of Cincinnati. But Bucklew's father died that year and he needed to help support his mother. So he went on to play one season of semi-professional football in Cincinnati, then played pro football for two seasons with the Cleveland Rams before returning to Cincinnati to play with the Bengals. 

In 1939, Bucklew was asked by some friends if he could investigate getting a pro team together in Columbus.

Bucklew secured some financing and a roster of players for a season that was months away from starting. Bucklew coached that team for the next three years and "had the best ball club in the league."

Then history intervened.

Los Angeles, California, 1941: 'Then came the war'

Bucklew estimated there were around 17,000 people in the crowd watching his team play on that early December day in 1941 when news of Pearl Harbor was announced over the stadium's loudspeakers.

After the game, Bucklew remembered, "We were down in the bar and someone said, 'Let's all join the service.' I expressed a preference for the Navy."

The team sent a telegram to the Navy recruiting office in Los Angeles, informing them that they were athletes and they wanted to serve.

Quote by Capt. Phil Bucklew

A cable responded the next morning that said, "Our doors are open 24 hours a day."

Upon completing a training course, Bucklew was retained as an instructor, and while there, the Navy was looking for volunteers for "amphibious commandos."

Raider training at Amphibious Training Base in Fort Pierce, Fla.

He volunteered along with nine others to learn about amphibious assaults, landing troops on a beachhead. 

"The whole program was 'go out and do it,'" said Bucklew. "They gave us a boat to go out and try anything you wanted."

The training took place in the spring of 1942 and, by the fall, there were rumors of a beach invasion somewhere in Europe.

Those original 10 volunteers became the first 10 members of the Scouts and Raiders, a beach reconnaissance unit. In September of 1942, Bucklew boarded the USS Leedstown, headed for the coast of Algiers.

Their mission was to place commandos in a specific target area, one that had been outlined through beach silhouettes, charts and sketches. A little bit before that could happen, the Leedstown came under air attack from German and Italian planes, which didn't do much damage.

"However, unbeknownst to us, a German submarine came up and sank us while we were watching the air attackers," said Bucklew, who, along with the captain and chief engineer, was the last to leave the ship. 

Quote by Capt. Phil Bucklew

The survivors boarded a raft until a British destroyer found them. The Leedstown crew was then placed on a British transport headed for India, only to be transferred to the USS Almaak, a ship headed back to the United States.

Bucklew was on that ship for several days when just outside of Gibraltar, they ran into a nest of submarines. The Almaak was hit by a torpedo in the engine room. The ship, crippled with no steam or power, was forced to anchor for days in a tense setting until a Norwegian destroyer pulled up and transported the Almaak's passengers to Casablanca.

There Bucklew was put in charge of two boats, responsible for enemy submarine patrol. Two days after Christmas, all survivors of the Leedstown were called back to the States.

Bucklew was sent to Fort Pierce, Florida, where he rejoined the Scouts and Raiders in February of 1943 and, there, went through weapons training, assault tactics, rocketry and underwater demolition.

He would soon need those skills.

Sicily, Italy, 1943: 'The Germans folded fast'

When Bucklew left Fort Pierce a few months later, he joined forces with the British in Malta, an island country in the Mediterranean Sea, as part of a combined operations group tasked with submarine and beach reconnaissance on the coast of Sicily. 

Allied Invasion of Sicily

Bucklew's job was to identify proper points of entry and exit, and land the troops. If the landing was 100 yards off target, troops would be piled up and vulnerable. He was told, "the objective of such a landing is to save as many lives as you can."

Bucklew and his team worked in advance of the landing, identifying beach silhouettes and selecting the proper positions to land. They worked at night under the light of the quarter moon, utilizing the cover of darkness. Two members of Bucklew's team were dropped off on the beach and would send flashlight signals – marking flank positions – back to Bucklew's boat.

But the opposition on the beach at Sicily turned on airfield searchlights that illuminated everything, "and it looked like Broadway," said Bucklew.

The enemy opened fire but Bucklew was able to bring the landing forces in and onto the beach. "The Germans," he explained, "folded fast" after that. 

Bucklew was later awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service as a Scout Boat Officer on July 10, 1943.

Salerno, Italy, 1943: 'That's it, it doesn't hurt too much'

Following the operation in Sicily, Bucklew and his team began preparations for a similar operation in Salerno, which Bucklew described as a much rougher, more difficult operation with heavier casualties. 

Sunrise over Salerno Bay, 10 September 1943, showing a portion of the invasion fleet. Two U.S. Navy fleet tugs are among the nearer ships.

The invasion of Salerno began in September. Bucklew had the same men in his advance group, charged with identifying landing positions.

This time, Bucklew and his team surveyed the Salerno beach in canoes, thinking they would be less detectable than in a powered boat. About 3 miles offshore, a landing craft dropped Bucklew and his team off to make runs along the beach at 2 a.m., while British ships poured rockets into the beach.

"I was aware of the shore bombardment that would occur over my head," said Bucklew. "... But I had been assured that they would fire long ... and reduce their fire toward the beach – but it didn't happen that way. They fired short and skipped them in."

The shells ripped right over Bucklew's canoe, so close that he was struck in the chest – "a good thump that took my wind away and I thought, 'Well, that's it, it doesn't hurt too much but that's it.'"

Allied Invasion of Salerno, Italy on September 9, 1943. U.S. troops disembark from a transport off of Salerno. Note barrage balloon overhead.

Bucklew had been hit by a piece of a rocket that was now burning his life jacket. He put it out, continuing to signal by flashlight and bring in the first landing craft. But now, the enemy on the shore had started to return fire against the British bombardment at sea, which meant Bucklew was positioned in the middle of the firefight.

The decision was made to withdraw the landing forces from the beach, but Bucklew's commanding officer asked for one more try with an all-out naval bombardment, which finally cracked open an exit, allowing the pinned-down troops on the beaches to move.

The Germans had 88s, anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery guns, mounted on flat cars that came in and out of caves up in the hills which "held off the task force for about a week's time," said Bucklew.   

"We had about a thousand casualties on the beaches. I helped withdraw some of the casualties in the earlier days until I was pulled back to the flagship."

Bucklew was then ordered to England. No details were given.  

Normandy, France, 1944: 'That Vierville Church steeple' 

It was early December of 1943. Bucklew and his men were told to report to a command center to go over plans for Overlord, the code name for the Normandy landing.

"You boys, I understand, are about the most experienced we have in reconnaissance. You will be joining the British for reconnaissance on the French coast," the admiral in charge told Bucklew. 

They weren't told much more than that. 

Men and assault vehicles storm the beaches of Normandy as allied landing craft make a dent in Germany's West Wall on June 6, 1944. As wave after wave of landing craft unload their cargo, men move inland and vehicles surge up the roads.

"Reconnaissance people very seldom get complete information on anything. If they are captured, the less they know the better," Bucklew said. 

The team headed for the Isle of Wright, which was roughly 30 or 40 miles by water to France and would serve as the launching point for their reconnaissance runs. 

"The purpose of our reconnaissance was to obtain sand samples from the Normandy beaches, which were passed to the laboratory and the texture of the sand told them what kind of matting to put down to take the weight of tanks and heavy equipment," said Bucklew. They also conducted sound tests to determine the different water depths along the coast. 

On June 6, 1944, Bucklew was with the Underwater Demolition Teams on a lead ship, crafted for speed and fitted with weapons and rocketry. Bucklew's job was similar to Salerno and Sicily – to land Allied forces at the right spot.

Composite image of DDay photographs

Bucklew's ship was roughly 10 miles offshore when all hell broke loose. Explosions. Flares. Smoke. Chaos. Bucklew was supposed to be at the heart of Omaha Red beach. 

"What in the world, have I missed it?" he thought in the midst of the mayhem. 

Bucklew knew there was a heroic and costly Army Ranger cliff-scaling operation in advance of the beach landing, at Pointe du Hoc, which would help support a flank movement for the main assault force. 

Then, he saw it, a landmark off in the distance, cutting through the faint light before dawn. It was the Vierville Church steeple that he'd seen during his beach recon runs. He knew where he was and he was right where he was supposed to be. 

"I have never seen anything before nor since to equal the devastation that a naval salvo from a battleship can do," said Bucklew. "The furrows those salvos made would run a good seven or eight feet deep and 10 feet wide."

The beach obstacles were fitted with Teller mines, a German anti-tank mine, which made it difficult for the Americans to get in. 

"We had to blow the gaps. Even on D-Day UDTs took a full day to clear a single gap and we lost a lot of personnel," said Bucklew. 

An Enquirer article from 1944

"I had a scare there. I was on my belly on the bow of my boat, pulling people up and getting them off obstacles. It was the closest I ever came to really being hurt. I took a fragment cut on my bald head. I had taken my helmet off because I was hanging over the side. Learned a good lesson there." 

When it was time to move up the beach, the Allied forces were met with an extensive network of minefields which had to be removed in order for the troops to advance.

About a week after D-Day, Bucklew was sent ashore with a German prisoner of war who successfully guided him through a series of minefields. 

"He was interrogated and I accompanied him back," said Bucklew. "It was a delicate day for me because I felt, what does this German have to lose. He took us right through the minefields." 

Bucklew charted everything and troops would then move in through those areas. Once the Allied advance was able to establish some forward operating positions, Bucklew became a well-trained courier, boating in, then hitch-hiking his way to different command posts. 

Quote by Capt. Phil Bucklew

At one point during the Normandy invasion, Bucklew recalled, he lost his combat boots. 

"So I took a dead man's boots and wore them then and later all through China," said Bucklew, who was awarded a second Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service during the amphibious assault on the Normandy coast. 

A few months later, in October, Bucklew was sent back to Washington and made the officer in charge of training jungle tactics to the Scouts and Raiders at Fort Pierce.  

Soon, Bucklew and his team of Scouts and Raiders, men he served with during the European operations, were bound for China to take on a shared enemy, Japan.

Kunming, China, 1944: 'They hid me in a haystack'

Bucklew and his team arrived at a supply base in Calcutta and went through Burma to their main headquarters just across the border in Kunming, China. 

Plans were being developed for an amphibious landing from the Philippines to the China coast and the Allies needed knowledge of the shoreline areas. Japan controlled many major Chinese cities and much of the eastern coastal area. 

Unit Buck

The danger from submarines along the coast was real. So Bucklew was dropped about 100 miles inland and had to work east for the coast to evaluate areas for troop landings. It was unfamiliar. He was not on the water under the cover of night. He was traversing mountainous terrain on foot disguised as a local laborer who happened to be much taller than everyone else.  

Bucklew was paired with Lieutenant Rocky Ruggieri, a football player and heavyweight wrestling champion from Purdue University, who was built physically like Bucklew. They were each assigned 10 Chinese guerillas who knew the area and the terrain but didn't speak English.

Bucklew left with them in his disguise, wearing a big straw hat with two grenades, one in each pocket, and a .45 caliber revolver. 

"The guerillas hid me in a haystack when a Japanese patrol came by and stopped," said Bucklew. "All my guerillas, each one sat down completely encircling the haystack with weapons in hand." 

Bucklew was the only one to make it to the coast. His report made it clear: An amphibious landing wouldn't work because "there were no exits." The mountains came right up to the shoreline and there were no roadways.

Bucklew's recommendation must have been heard because forces moved north and avoided the China coast.

China, 1945: 'The war is over'

Once the group reconvened in Kunming, they returned to Calcutta, where Bucklew's outfit received news that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. 

Unit Buck, named after Bucklew, was sent back to the coast for a planned raid on the Island of Amoy, a deep seaport that was home to Japanese destroyers.

Doing the recon, Bucklew noticed that a lot of ships began appearing in the harbor and townspeople began to cover an entire hillside.

“Unit Buck” tigers named after Lt. Phil Bucklew in China in 1945. Bucklew is in the front row on the far right.

"There were explosions going off and what appeared to be aerological balloons, hydrogen-filled, would go up and boom," said Bucklew. "There wasn't a single American in headquarters."

Bucklew was confused. When he finally ran into a fellow American, he asked, "What the hell is going on?" 

"Forget operations," the man said. "The war is over." 

Shanghai 1945

Bucklew was ordered to escort Chinese General Tai Li to Shanghai. 

Bucklew stayed in Shanghai from September 1945 until April 1946, doing a variety of jobs, the last of which was making sure American troops got home. 

United States, 1946: 'We learned by feel'  

When it was time to leave and head home, Bucklew heard there was a job waiting for him as the head football coach at Xavier. 

A 1946 Enquirer article

Bucklew reunited with Helen, the woman he had met on leave in Columbus after Normandy and would soon marry, and they returned to Xavier.  

After one season, Bucklew went to Columbia University to coach for Lou Little.

It wasn't long before the Navy called again.

In 1948, he was asked to return to active service as a reserve officer. 

"I was back in the military," he said. "I was one of the few people on active duty with a WWII background in the special operations field." 

Bucklew's orders made him the commanding officer of Beach Jumper Unit II in Little Creek, Virginia. 

This was a new outfit, open to new ideas and steeped in problem-solving. 

Howard Hansen and Bill Wallace played football at Columbia when Bucklew was there. After Wallace and Hansen graduated from Columbia in 1952, they both went into military service. 

Bill Wallace Quote, Titled

"I was going to be drafted into the military," Hansen said. "The Korean War broke out and coach Little said, 'Join the reserve.' I can hear him like it was yesterday." 

Photo provided by the Navy SEAL Museum, U.S. National Archives

Wallace applied for the Navy's Officer Candidate School and he was told to report to Beach Jumper Unit I in Coronado, California.

Wallace called Bucklew to tell him that one of his friends was going to be reporting to him at Little Creek. 

Bucklew pulled a few strings and the next day, Wallace said, "They called me up and said my orders had been changed, you report to Bucklew. He had gone to Washington and got my orders changed. It changed my life." 

Bucklew pulled some more strings and got Hansen assigned to him in Little Creek. Wallace and Hansen both played on the amphibious force football team there that Bucklew coached. 

"Buck was tough as hell on the football field," said Hansen, "but socially, he and Helen were special. And they treated us extra special. You just had the feeling you were part of their family." 

Bucklew moved to Little Creek in June of 1951 and was there until 1956, in charge of 30 officers and 220 enlisted men, teaching them anything and everything – intercepting, monitoring and jamming communications, even simulating a nuclear attack.

"We learned by feel and experiment," said Bucklew. "Again we were the general handymen, whatever jobs they needed they would throw us in." 

Howard Hansen quote
Korea, 1956: 'I was being assigned to the CIA'

From Little Creek, Bucklew was ordered to the staff of Commander Naval Forces, Far East. 

Underwater demolition team member demonstrates early 1944 U.S. Navy scuba gear.

To his surprise, he was now assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency.

He and Helen landed in Japan, where Helen would work as a stenographer in a CIA compound located on a U.S. Naval base there. A few days later, Bucklew was headed to Korea, where he was attached to the Naval Advisory Group, working alongside his counterpart, Captain Kim Se Won, director of naval intelligence for the Korean Navy. 

The CIA had procured three WWII PT (patrol-torpedo) boats that were being operated by Korean intelligence against North Korea and Bucklew's primary responsibility was to oversee the operation of those boats and land agents in North Korea. He was also part of the plan to distribute propaganda leaflets by way of meteorological balloons. 

He cleared sea mines and helped develop an accurate map of North Korea, while helping establish Naval Forces, Korea. Bucklew's two-and-a-half-year tour in Korea ended in July of 1958.

He headed home again. 

Coronado, California, 1958: 'Command of special operators' 

At the Amphibious Training Command at Coronado, Bucklew was assigned to the joint intelligence staff for operation Rocky Shoals, a massive division-size amphibious landing exercise. 

All Army equipment had to be transported from the various bases throughout the country, by land to the West Coast.

This was Bucklew's first experience with the intelligence school at Coronado and he estimated there were more than 10,000 troops involved. 

Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) recruits leap into the mud during the strenuous fifth week of their training at the naval amphibious base in Coronado, Calif. in August 1969.

After months of filing reports on the exercise, Bucklew headed to Coronado as the officer in charge of the Amphibious Intelligence School. The Amphibious Training Command began during WWII. During the Korean War, it declined, then expanded with Bucklew's involvement. 

The schools he was in charge of included intelligence, gunfire support, air support and beach groups. Each area offered different courses, all tailored for officers who were trained in psychological warfare, photographic intelligence, reconnaissance and handling prisoners of war. 

Bucklew served there until early in 1961 when he was assigned to Amphibious Group One as the staff intelligence officer. Amphibious Group One was based out of Subic Bay in the Philippines and covered the entire Far East. 

"Turmoil was building up in the Far East without actual conflict," Bucklew said. 

His group traveled extensively, including making landings on the Vietnamese coast for recon and intelligence purposes.

After two years, Bucklew was ordered to return to the Amphibious Base at Coronado as its executive officer and was promoted to captain.  

A Cincinnati Enquirer cartoon on Capt. Phil Bucklew

Admiral Ephraim Holmes, who Bucklew had previously served under, was then Commander of Amphibious Forces, Pacific. 

"He called me in and said, 'I am nominating you to form this Special Operations Group, which will include the Underwater Demolition Teams and the SEAL teams, a boat support unit, and you will coordinate the training and command of the special operators,'" Bucklew said. 

In October of 1963, the Naval Operations Support Group was commissioned and a week later, Bucklew headed to Washington to be part of a selection board that was in session the following month when he received news that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated.

When it was time to return to Coronado, Bucklew was told that he'd be going to Vietnam instead.

Vietnam, 1963: 'Top secret'

Bucklew's instructions, as he put it, were: "I don't know exactly what I want you to do. I want you to tell me from what you see after covering this area, what you recommend, what the problems are, and what should be done. I want to know why all I get from Vietnam are glowing reports of our accomplishments and meanwhile, we are getting the hell kicked out of us. That's your job." 

Quote by Capt. Phil Bucklew

So he visited different bases, traveling up the Mekong River to the Cambodian border, waiting and observing.  

The biggest problem Bucklew's team witnessed was communication. There was political turmoil in Saigon. Routine field operations required authorization from Washington. 

"Any field operation had to be cleared first from the field, into Saigon, from Saigon to Washington and back again," said Bucklew. 

Lt. Bucklew cooks rice.

"If you are going to make a counterattack in the field you have minutes, at the most a few hours, to act. An approval decision that takes two to three days to get from Washington makes the whole operation a lost cause and a hazard.

"That remained the biggest problem in Vietnam, in my opinion," he said, "until the end of the war."

By 1964, Bucklew's SEAL teams were part of a transition period in Da Nang, a large city in Central Vietnam, helping with CIA operations. American involvement was heating up.

Bucklew and his team assembled a report, which became known as "The Bucklew Report," that they filed with Admiral Harry Felt. This report recommended that the Navy should work to control the rivers in Vietnam and became instrumental in the deployment of SEALs on direct action missions. 

The report was labeled "Top Secret," said Bucklew, who was sent back to his previous post at Coronado to consolidate five different small commands – two Underwater Demolition Teams, the Boat Support Unit, the Beach Jumper Units and the SEAL teams. 

Bucklew organized and ran the show, providing support commitments for Vietnam and overseeing the logistics and training of personnel. 

A Cincinnati Enquirer article on Capt. Phil Bucklew

The SEALs factored heavily into Vietnam, responsible for training Vietnamese and harassment tactics against North Vietnam, and in early 1968, Bucklew's specialized units were involved in the Tet Offensive, one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War. 

What Bucklew realized then was that there's a certain type of man who makes a career of special operations work in the Navy.

He spent the final two years of his military service in the Pentagon working to establish a career pattern and program for special operators. 

Bucklew retired in 1969. His legacy lives on today in the Phil Bucklew Naval Special Warfare Center within the Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado. It houses much of the Naval Special Warfare training. 

“Our community’s forefather, Captain Phil Bucklew, set the standard for grit, gallantry and creative problem solving that defines the Naval Special Warfare community and is so critical to our mission success," explained Rear Adm. H. W. Howard III, who now serves as the commander of Naval Special Warfare Command.

“It’s our obligation to uphold the legacy of heroes, like Captain Bucklew, who have gone before us.”

Cincinnati, 2022: 'I had never heard of Captain Bucklew'

When Matt Jennings first stumbled upon Bucklew's name and his connection to Xavier, he didn't know anything about him.

Members of the Xavier University’s Student Veterans Center are working to rename the Center after Xavier alumnus, Capt. Phil Bucklew. The plan is for the dedication to be completed on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Xavier University's Student Veterans Center's Nathan Ray, assistant director of veterans admissions, Paul Fellinger, Jr., director, Matt Jennings, assistant athletic director for strength and conditioning, Glenn Welling, Jr., senior advisor, and Jason Nahrgang, assistant director of career and external relations, stand for a portrait inside the Student Veterans Center at Xavier University on Dec. 10, 2022. Jennings and members of the Student Veterans Center have undertaken a project to rename the Center after Xavier alumnus, Capt. Phil Bucklew. The plan is for the dedication to be completed on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Xavier University's Student Veterans Center's Nathan Ray, assistant director of veterans admissions, Paul Fellinger, Jr., director, Matt Jennings, assistant athletic director for strength and conditioning, Glenn Welling, Jr., senior advisor, and Jason Nahrgang, assistant director of career and external relations, are working to rename the Center after Xavier alumnus, Capt. Phil Bucklew. The plan is for the dedication to be completed on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Xavier University's Student Veterans Center's Nathan Ray, assistant director of veterans admissions, Paul Fellinger, Jr., director, Matt Jennings, assistant athletic director for strength and conditioning, Glenn Welling, Jr., senior advisor, and Jason Nahrgang, assistant director of career and external relations, are working to rename the Center after Xavier alumnus, Capt. Phil Bucklew. The plan is for the dedication to be completed on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Xavier University's Student Veterans Center's Nathan Ray, assistant director of veterans admissions, Paul Fellinger, Jr., director, Matt Jennings, assistant athletic director for strength and conditioning, Glenn Welling, Jr., senior advisor, and Jason Nahrgang, assistant director of career and external relations, are working to rename the Center after Xavier alumnus, Capt. Phil Bucklew. The plan is for the dedication to be completed on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Meg Vogel/ The Enquirer

Anne Ryckbost, Xavier University's archivist, was able to provide some information. Jennings found the National Navy SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce and connected with Ruth McSween, the museum's curator.

There he learned about Howard Hansen and Bill Wallace.

Jennings now had real connections with people who knew Bucklew. He filled a large binder with notes, pictures, anything he could find.

The Phil H. Bucklew Center for Naval Special Warfare was dedicated at the Navy's amphibious base in Coronado, Calif. in 1987.
The Phil H. Bucklew Center for Naval Special Warfare was dedicated at the Navy's amphibious base in Coronado, Calif. in 1987.

A few years passed. Then Jennings set up a meeting with Xavier's Student Veterans Center. He brought his binder with him. 

Glenn Welling Jr. is a 37-year Navy veteran and the senior advisor of the Student Veterans Center. 

The first time he ever heard of Bucklew?

"It was Matt Jennings sitting right there," said Welling. "Because I had never heard of Captain Bucklew. I don't think any of us had." 

A few weeks after that meeting, Paul Fellinger Jr., a 1990 Xavier grad, who went on to serve in the Army and is now the director of the Student Veterans Center, was on a call with the ROTC Alumni Advisory Board and Bucklew's memoir happened to be sitting on his desk.  

"So I came in the next day and said, 'What do you think about mounting a campaign to rename the Student Veterans Center after Phil Bucklew?'" Fellinger said. 

On June 6, 2024 – the 80th anniversary of D-Day – the plan is to officially dedicate the Student Veterans Center to Bucklew.  

In the 451 pages of interviews that Bucklew gave, he never talked about honor, glory, or his own bravery. 

No one would have batted an eye if he did. So it is left to others to do it.

Glory is due. 

Capt. Phil Bucklew and his wife, Helen Bucklew, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Capt. Phil Bucklew and his wife, Helen Bucklew, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Story by Adam Baum.

Photography by  Meg Vogel; additional photos provided by Xavier University,  Associated Press, U.S. National Archives and Navy SEAL Museum.

Photo-illustrations and digital design by Hana Khalyleh.

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