
Get your kids gardening, they might thank you one day

Celebrate mom on Mother's Day.

Today is the day when we all get to honor the most important woman in our lives: Mom. Now, some wives may not necessarily agree with this, but who carried us for nine months before we took our first breath? Then when the nine months were up, they delivered us into the world. Without this process, nothing else exists.

Much has changed through the generations between mothers and their kids. Younger generations hate hearing about how hard the previous generations had it before them. My youth was lived in the 1970s and 1980s. I am now a parent of two teenage daughters. I know parenting is different now. It’s neither better nor worse, just different.

When I was young, my mom strongly encouraged me to work in the yard. Some people might say she forced me to work in the yard. "Force" might be a strong word, as no violence or physical harm was ever involved. It was more of a process of negotiating for which she held all the leverage. A simple example would be "do you want to go over to your friend’s house? Well, you’re not going anywhere until the grass is cut."

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