
Restaurants expected billions of dollars in grants. They never got it.

Leaders of the National Restaurant Association and the Ohio Restaurant Association are asking Congress to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) program so it can help thousands of cash-strapped restaurants.

The two organizations, along with 50 other state restaurant association partners, sent a letter to congressional leadership this week sharing a concerning national consumer confidence survey that shows that, nationally, a majority of consumers have already changed their dining behavior, especially in August.

More:Restaurants that opened or closed in August

More:Restaurant workers aren't disappearing. They've simply moved on

"This is beginning to put acute pressure back on sectors of the restaurant industry," the press release from the groups says. "Faltering consumer confidence comes on top of restaurant labor costs at a 10-year high, increased food and supply prices, continued indoor capacity limits in 11 states and crushing long-term debt loads for countless restaurant owners."

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