Surrounded by a camera, a computer and a ring light in the upstairs office of his self-proclaimed "bachelor pad," Justin Couch’s face lights up and he becomes full of energy. He begins his YouTube videos by getting straight to the point, showing different coins that are worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars, and explaining why to his 419,000-plus subscribers. Most of the videos are under 10 minutes long and leave you wanting to pick your pocket to see if your spare change might lead to instant fortune.The 31-year-old’s interest in currency was piqued by his grandmother when he was a child. Couch, who grew up in Ludlow and now lives in Florence, later became fascinated by YouTube in college and it inspired him to study electronic media and broadcasting at Northern Kentucky University. After graduating, he thought he would end up using his degree to help someone else behind the scenes, but when that didn’t pan out, Couch thought he might as well try it all on his own.Ford's Garage:Florence location plans to open this year“I’m like, man, I could really make good coin videos with much better editing skills than some of the other people had. And it was a very non-competitive niche on YouTube at the time,” Couch said. And while there are more content creators these days, Couch Collectibles – as he’s known on YouTube – has found his following. He has hundreds of thousands of subscribers on YouTube and Facebook and is steadily growing his audiences on Instagram and TikTok.Justin Couch: Coin collector shares enthusiasm on social mediaHistory is what really fascinates Couch about coin collecting. “The fact that someone held this coin 100 years ago when times were completely different, it's interesting to think about that. Especially silver dollars, someone was using this as a dollar, and now it's worth at least $30 or $40 just in silver value. So that's kind of what intrigues me.”Couch’s parents had a hard time making sense of his career choice when he first began: “When my mom talked to my dad, she was like, ‘I think you need to tell your son to get a real job.' " But he says that didn’t last very long. The first month, he made around $100 creating his own content, and then that increased to $300 and then $800 and within six months he was making a few grand a month with it consistently increasing.Workdays tend to always start out the same way for Couch. He usually begins by answering questions and messages from his paid members on his YouTube channel. They will send him pictures of coins and he will help by reviewing them and giving them a value on how much it’s worth. There are also days when he will make several videos and then spend the rest of the week editing the content. His YouTube channel has now grown to the most subscribed coin collecting channel in the U.S.The average person can start their own collection with just a little bit of time and effort. Couch will often go to the bank and ask for a roll of coins, he calls it coin-roll hunting, whether it be half dollars, quarters or pennies, just to look for mint coins or different printing errors on the coin itself. These types of things can give the coin value. “It doesn't cost anybody anything. You go to the bank, and you get $100 worth of coins. If you don't find anything, you take it back to the bank and cash it in.”With more people using credit and debit cards, coin shortages and more interest in cryptocurrency, Couch is looking to play it safe and expand his content from coin collecting to wider topics. He recently expanded into podcasting and just launched "Couch Conversations" where he interviews a variety of well-known people and other content creators. He says he wants to make a name for himself on as many platforms as possible. But some would argue that he already has.Recently, Couch was in his local FedEx store and was caught off guard when a guy approached him. “He was like, ‘Oh my God, you're Couch Collectibles!’ and he went on to tell me that he, his wife and son watch my videos and search through coins,” Couch stated proudly. “It shocked me, I was thrown off.”With a following that grows more every day, he might just have to get used to that. Source link