
China’s giant ‘Sky Eye’ telescope may have detected alien signals

Chinese researchers found a signal that could be from alien civilizations, the country's science ministry reported.

Researchers with Beijing Normal University this year found “several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the earth,” according to a report published Tuesday in Science and Technology Daily, the official newspaper of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The original report, however, appears to have since been deleted from the Science and Technology Daily website, according to Bloomberg.

According to its researchers, signals were identified by the world's largest radio telescope, "Sky Eye."

Located in southwestern China, the 1,640 foot Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, dubbed FAST, is in southwestern China's Guizhou province and began operation on Sept. 25, 2016. 

Cosmologist Zhang Tongjie, chief scientist of China ET Civilization Research Group, told the newspaper FAST located "several narrow-band electromagnetic signals different from the past.

The Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) is seen on its first day of operation in Pingtang, in southwestern China's Guizhou province on Sept. 25, 2016.
The world's largest radio telescope began operating in southwestern China for a project that Beijing says will help humanity search for alien life.

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