A Cincinnati man is facing charges after being accused of using a phone at a Cricket Wireless store to watch pornography and stealing cash from the register.According to a report from police, the incident happened Monday at the Cricket Wireless store on Kemper Road.Police said David Williams stood in the lobby of the store after buying a new phone, turned on a pornographic video and started performing sexual acts on himself.According to police, the female employee inside the store went to hide.When Williams went to look for her, he opened the cash register, stole about $300 and ran away before being caught by police.Williams is charged with public indecency, theft, obstruction and pandering obscenity.
A Cincinnati man is facing charges after being accused of using a phone at a Cricket Wireless store to watch pornography and stealing cash from the register.
According to a report from police, the incident happened Monday at the Cricket Wireless store on Kemper Road.
Police said David Williams stood in the lobby of the store after buying a new phone, turned on a pornographic video and started performing sexual acts on himself.
According to police, the female employee inside the store went to hide.
When Williams went to look for her, he opened the cash register, stole about $300 and ran away before being caught by police.
Williams is charged with public indecency, theft, obstruction and pandering obscenity.
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