
Can abortion amendment stop GOP wave?

Elected officials arrive in the senate chambers during the last two days of the Senate session at the Capitol building in Frankfort. April 14, 2020

For the past two years in Frankfort, Republicans' legislative supermajority has dominated the Kentucky General Assembly, with 75 out of 100 seats in the House and 30 of 38 seats in the Senate.

With the help of their new redistricting maps — particularly in the House — that supermajority may now be poised to expand past 80% of each chamber after Tuesday's election.

Republicans are assured to flip one seat in the Senate — where no Democrat bothered to run — and are heavily targeting at least eight vulnerable Democratic incumbents in House districts redrawn so the GOP challenger has great odds.

Along with Democrats fielding no candidate in 44 House races, they find themselves with a House map where President Joe Biden won the vote in only 19 of the House districts in the 2020 election — including none outside Jefferson and Fayette.

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