
St. Vincent de Paul hosts coat distribution event at local high school

Melissa Smith says the work of St. Vincent de Paul saved her life. “It’s been a life line for me, their services and their volunteers, you can feel it’s from the heart..”St Vincent de Paul teamed with Five Cares to make a difference for our neighbors in need. The Saturday coat distribution at Elder High School was one of three, sharing the love and warmth of the season.Kristen Gallagher says the work hits at the heart of the social service agency’s mission.“This is the true embodiment of our motto, Neighbors helping neighbors,” Gallagher said. Poul LeMasters and his family have donated thousands of coats for this drive over the last 12 years. Every year they have given more coats than the year before. “If we give this year, then we thought there won’t be a need next year, but every year, the same schools and St Vincent de Paul. Everybody has to fill that need. Its bigger every year.”Normally a donor, Bishop Sonny James finds himself on the receiving side of the coat drive this year.“Here I am brother. St. Vincent de Paul has been sent by God at such a time as this,” James said. James and his family lost everything when their home burned down to the ground in October.“The last time I was with St. Vincent DePaul, We were in our community giving the coats away, but I find myself on the other end of that.. and I am so glad that resources are here man,” James said. For the shoppers selecting from new and gently used coats and their volunteer escorts, the blessing of giving, shares the joy of the season and warms the heart.Elder High School 11th grader Lincoln Zureick, says the experience has made him more aware.“It opens my eyes to their experiences and I realize how they feel and how I’m making a difference in their holiday, making it a good Christmas and Holiday season,” Zureick said. Bishop James says his faith has been tried and tested, but restored by the good works of those around him.“Today I may need a coat, but God is going to provide.. not just for me, but for others as well.”The growing need and the bitter winter may be cold, but warmed by the giving heart, one coat at a time.

Melissa Smith says the work of St. Vincent de Paul saved her life. “It’s been a life line for me, their services and their volunteers, you can feel it’s from the heart..”

St Vincent de Paul teamed with Five Cares to make a difference for our neighbors in need.

The Saturday coat distribution at Elder High School was one of three, sharing the love and warmth of the season.

Kristen Gallagher says the work hits at the heart of the social service agency’s mission.

“This is the true embodiment of our motto, Neighbors helping neighbors,” Gallagher said.

Poul LeMasters and his family have donated thousands of coats for this drive over the last 12 years. Every year they have given more coats than the year before. “If we give this year, then we thought there won’t be a need next year, but every year, the same schools and St Vincent de Paul. Everybody has to fill that need. Its bigger every year.”

Normally a donor, Bishop Sonny James finds himself on the receiving side of the coat drive this year.

“Here I am brother. St. Vincent de Paul has been sent by God at such a time as this,” James said.

James and his family lost everything when their home burned down to the ground in October.

“The last time I was with St. Vincent DePaul, We were in our community giving the coats away, but I find myself on the other end of that.. and I am so glad that resources are here man,” James said.

For the shoppers selecting from new and gently used coats and their volunteer escorts, the blessing of giving, shares the joy of the season and warms the heart.

Elder High School 11th grader Lincoln Zureick, says the experience has made him more aware.

“It opens my eyes to their experiences and I realize how they feel and how I’m making a difference in their holiday, making it a good Christmas and Holiday season,” Zureick said.

Bishop James says his faith has been tried and tested, but restored by the good works of those around him.

“Today I may need a coat, but God is going to provide.. not just for me, but for others as well.”

The growing need and the bitter winter may be cold, but warmed by the giving heart, one coat at a time.

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