
Joe Burrow brings Bengals conversation to Thanksgiving table

You are a Bengals fan.

This is Thanksgiving Week.

What are you most thankful for?

“This man,” @BURROWTOBOYDTD tweeted, with a GIF of the Bengals’ leading man.

“Joe Burrow,” @Ischoz tweeted.

“#9,” @TopiahRobert tweeted.

“Joe Burrow,” @CincyFanJake tweeted.

“Without Joe,” @MatthewBausch78 tweeted, “this town is not talking about Bengals football at the Thanksgiving table.”

* * * * *

I asked the question Monday for our weekly day-after-game Twitter session. I had planned to ask it whether the Bengals won or lost Sunday.

This topic is about gratitude.

About yours.

And about mine.

I am thankful for a lot in my life, and I make sure to think about that this week every year. I try to do this more often. It helps me find perspective when something goes wrong, when it seems like one something after another.

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