COVID-19 community levels shifted again in many Cincinnati region counties while one Ohio county, Brown, has begun an indoor mask recommendation due to its high level of community spread, the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.
Community COVID-19 levels decreased from medium to low in six counties in the region while one county, Indiana's Dearborn County, shifted to medium spread and Brown County in Ohio jumped to high.
The CDC updates the community level for each U.S. county each Thursday based on COVID-19 hospitalizations and cases.
A high community level in the CDC ratings brings a recommendation to wear masks indoors and on public transit. A medium level brings that recommendation for those with chronic illnesses and weak immune systems. People in counties with low levels should proceed as normal with caution.
In addition, COVID-19 transmission rates now are at the highest level in 12 of the region’s 16 counties. Hospitalizations rose slightly and capacity remains a concern in the region.
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