The process of getting into college is changing. More schools are now offering admission to students who never applied.
"We're hearing students say like, 'Is this real?' You know, they get so much marketing and brochures from so many sources. And when I say, actually, 'No on the EAB match platform, the messages you get are real admission offers, they're bona fide admission offers.' And yeah, it's often disbelief followed by elation," said Joe Morrison, who serves as the managing director of Concourse at EAB.
The platform offers reverse admissions. Students get into the system through their school counselor.
The students stay anonymous to the university, which makes an offer based on criteria including grades and interests.
It's up to the students to accept the offer.
A growing number of other organizations are also doing what's known as direct admissions where students also get offers from schools. However, they have to go through an application process still.
The people behind these alternative admission models say it's about making the process more student-centric.
"For a lot of students, they get offers from colleges that they hadn't considered, or sometimes even heard of," Morrison said. "They realized, in many cases, that they're eligible for more in scholarships than they thought. So really, it's enabling a path to college that a lot of students didn't think they were able to access, and probably wouldn't have even applied for."
EAB's platform is free for counselors and students. Universities pay a fee when they get a match with a student.