President Biden, local lawmakers deliver remarks on Brent Spence Bridge funding
please welcome governor Andy Beshear everything. Good afternoon. What an amazing day for Kentucky. Ohio in the United States of America. Yeah, not quite one week ago we learned the Brent Spence bridge corridor project secured one of the largest, if not the largest federal infrastructure awards in history. More than $1.6 billion. This is *** green light and *** game changer. It impacts our entire country and this funding is going to allow us to complete this project without tolls building. *** companion bridge isn't just the fulfillment of my administration's promise. It's also the beginning of an even brighter future for the families of this region, for the tens of thousands of travelers who passed through this area every day and for the many businesses that rely on this key commercial link, the need could not be greater. The current span, while structurally sound is carrying twice the number of vehicles it was designed to accommodate for the families who live and work in northern Kentucky and across the river in the greater Cincinnati area. The heavy traffic delays and safety issues are real everyday concerns. This crucial project will address those issues, but the full impact goes to the very health and security of our nation's economy. The I 71 I 75 corridor is one of the most important stretches for commercial freight traffic anywhere east of the Mississippi River, allowing these goods to move smoothly through this metropolitan area and over the Ohio River is critical to sales, supply chains, tourism and more. So much of our nation's GDP relies on this crossing and getting this companion bridge built is absolutely essential to keep our economic momentum growing on top of everything else. This project is gonna create thousands of construction jobs right here during the building process. This project has been talked about for years, decades really and we are the folks who are actually getting it done, but *** project of this magnitude doesn't happen without *** lot of leadership and *** lot of cooperation. First. I want to thank the president for delivering on this historic funding request. Multiple presidents have promised *** companion bridge and this president delivered. I want to thank Governor Dewine for his continued friendship and partnership on this and so many other matters where we have shared interest. Last february Governor Dewine and I signed *** memorandum of understanding that laid out the next necessary steps for this project and he and his team continue to work with our folks to get this done. I want to thank Secretary Pete. I wanna thank Kentucky's Transportation Secretary Jim Gray as well as his Ohio counterpart Jack Marsh Banks. I want to thank you that we can clap for them. I want to thank Senator McConnell as well as both senators from Ohio who voted for the infrastructure act that made this possible. Senator McConnell. You put Kentucky and the country first with your support and we are grateful and I want to thank former congressman john Yarmuth who helped push this bill through the house. I want to thank the Kentucky General assembly who has many members here and its leadership, who allocated $250 million towards this project. That allowed us to submit *** strong application saying the commonwealth of Kentucky and the state of Ohio would do our parts and thanks to local leaders like coming to mayor joe Meyer, This amazing project shows it's possible and what's possible when we push partisanship aside. We did this as *** team, democrats and republicans from the White House to local government and look what we've accomplished. One of the largest infrastructure projects in U. S. History 60 years ago. The original vince Brent Brent Spence bridge was built by americans who've been through World War two known as the greatest generation. Their example helped lead us through the last few years where we faced our own share of adversity. I'm proud of the way Kentucky ins and all americans have come together to face crisis and adversity. And now we see *** new day dawning one defined by prosperity as we reap the rewards of our hard work *** day defined by our capacity to work together for the good of all of our people. This is our moment, the chance to be the generation that changes everything for the people of Kentucky. The people of Ohio and every single american. God bless! Thank you. We welcome Ohio Governor Mike dewine, what *** great day this is the sun is out and we're looking to the future. We're looking to build, build this bridge. Let me, there's *** lot of people to thank. But let me, let me start with the president. Mr President. We welcome you back to uh I can't say welcome to Ohio, but I can't say at least see Ohio from here, but welcome, welcome back. I'm glad to have you here. We appreciate your leadership. And although Ohio governor bashir and I legislatures have been ready to put *** lot of money into this bridge, I think it will have probably another billion dollars in Ohio in Kentucky will have *** lot as well. The truth is this bridge could not be built without these federal dollars. Mr President Welcome, welcome back. Thank you. Thank you for that leadership. Let me thank my friend mitch McConnell. I met her, I met her when I was in the United States Senate. His leadership made *** huge huge difference. This has always been someone who can get things done. He certainly took the lead in getting this done. My friend rob Portman, former United States senator. It's kind of hard to say that former about Senator Portman, *** true leader getting this bill passed as well. Thanks Sharon Brown. Senator Brown for his work, his leadership on the bill. And then there's my partner Governor bashir. Uh and I sort of sort of navigating through the Covid together, we're on the phone with eric Holcomb Governor of indiana. I think every single week for over *** year. Um but we also had time to talk about this bridge and how we were gonna get it done and I salute his team. They have done *** great, great job. Um this bill was passed, we were ready to go when the governor we were ready to go and I also want to call out Jim Gray, who heads up the transportation department here in Kentucky, uh Jack Marsh Banks who heads it up in Ohio. They have worked together for *** number of years to getting ready for this for this day. The next mashable day is January 13 and the RFP will be put out so we're rolling. We don't have too many days to go before we really really kick this kick this thing off. I want to thank sister Chamber of Congress throughout for years. Good times and bad. When you ask the since knife chamber of Commerce and when you ask the business community, what's your number one priority in Cincinnati. They came back every single time and said this bridge. They did not falter. They stayed with it. And so I thank them and thank joe Meyer who heads up the chamber and I thank the business community in Cincinnati. Thank you for your persistence and for knowing what was important, not only for Cincinnati but for this country as well. My friend, you mayor revolve and I just had *** chance to talk *** moment ago. But thank you, thank you for your leadership and your predecessor, john Cranley as mayor of Cincinnati, we have been working very closely with them department transportation and part of the good news I think of this story is that we're going to have an additional city is going to have an additional because of this 10 acres additional 10 acres that they can develop that can use for the people of the city. We're working with the city of Cincinnati to make sure that because of the way we're constructing this on ramps and off ramps together streets, we're going to tie the community together closer together to downtown Cincinnati and that certainly is going to make *** difference as well. So let's build this bridge. Um, let's get it, let's get it going. We're moving forward. We know the economic impact this bridge has country, let me say also this bridge, *** new bridge is going to have *** huge impact from Kentucky is gonna have *** huge impact for the state of Ohio. The timing is right. This is time in our history when we're restored. When we're seeing things come back. One of the lessons we've learned over the last few years is we need to make more things in the United States of America, Ohio is doing that in Kentucky is doing that and this bridge is going to facilitate that and make it, make it *** lot easier for us to get those products to market and make it go faster. So again, important for the commerce, important for the economic future and jobs in Ohio. But I also like to think I'm gonna have grandchildren, great grandchildren and on and on who's gonna cross this bridge. Um you're gonna have people from coming in, governor bashir from, from Kentucky, they might be coming in to go to *** red's game, fc, Cincinnati game Bengals game, they might be going to the air in off center. *** lot of great things are gonna happen with families being able to cross this bridge in ***, in *** safe in *** very effective, efficient way. So let's go ahead and and build, build this, build our bridge really our bridge to the future and I hope that the success that we have seen this bipartisan support is democrats and republicans coming together and candidly this, we would not be here today without both democrats and republicans working together simply would not have happened. So let our new bridge, Let our new bridge serve as an example of how we can come together as *** country, Come together as *** country, as *** people to build things and come together as *** country together to just get things done. Let's go build the bridge. Thank you very much. Please welcome United States Senator rob Portman. Well, good morning everybody and what an exciting morning it is today is the triumph of common sense and persistence over pessimism and partisanship. That's what this represents. President biden. I want to thank you for bringing us all together today to celebrate this truly historic accomplishment. Also today, *** demonstration of great teamwork across the river. That doesn't always happen what we've seen here with governor mike dewine, who you just heard from governor bashir, who you heard from but also owed out Director Jack Marks Banks and Kentucky. Transportation Secretary Jim Gray. I've watched these governors and these transportation directors work together closely come up with their memorandum of understanding and they've always been easy to work with, *** lot easier when they had some federal money to work with. Uh, but they've been at this *** long time. Today is also *** day that is 30 years in the making. I can tell you that because I represented Cincinnati in the United States House representatives starting in 1993. And over those 30 years, I spent *** lot of time working on the Brent Spence bridge. Uh, we've gotten some funding for some parts of it, the environmental impact statement, the engineering, but we could never get the money for construction. So 30 years is *** long time to wait. I guess It took me retiring from the Senate to actually see it. But um, it is great to be here today after 30 years of working on this. And by the way it's worse now of course than it was in 1993. Today. They say the I-71-75 junction is the number two bottleneck in the nation. As of today, you look behind me, all those cars and trucks going over, it almost looks like rush hour even though it's not, but it's not just the congestion, it's *** safety issue. I remember when the lanes were taken out on the shoulders on the side of the bridge in order to create more room on the bridge and that obviously creates *** huge hasty safety hazard as we saw with regard to some of the terrible accidents that we had. But it's also carrying more than twice as many cars and trucks as it was ever designed to carry. So it's *** safety issue as well as an economic issue for our region for the country. I make *** lot of trips across that bridge and I've been doing the commute for most of those 30 years *** couple of times *** week saying my prayers as I cross that bridge being inches away from an 18 wheeler often. Uh, and uh, you know, it's kind of *** white knuckle experience for *** lot of people. We will be happy to see us have another bridge next to it and have this bridge repaired. So it's been top of mind for me and I was honored to lead from the Republican side. The infrastructure negotiations in Washington. Remember infrastructure is something that five administrations have talked about and many Congresses have talked about. In fact, I think President biden is not the first president to have *** photo op in front of this bridge. In fact, I know there's been republicans and democrats. I've been with them sometimes in front of this bridge saying, we're gonna get it fixed, we're finally gonna get it fixed, folks. The unprecedented level of federal support that the bipartisan infrastructure bill has provided both through the Bridge Investment Act and through the mega program and other programs has given us the ability to finally move forward with this. And I'm really excited about it. The memoranda of understanding, um, was key to this. Uh, and as I said earlier, just the cooperation between the two states is really important. Where it's going to be particularly important is over the next several years and for this administration, these two governors and for their successors and for the future directors and to the workforce that's going to be involved in this and to our local government officials today and future over the next decade. Really, uh, we have to thank them in advance because *** lot of the hard work is yet to be done. I will say today, thanks to the support of the Department Transportation providing this award. It's about 1.6, 3, $5 billion. That's the biggest federal grant ever for *** project anywhere in the country anyway. And it's appropriate. We've got 3% of the nation's commerce going over that bridge. Uh, we've probably seen about 1% of it just so you've been sitting here. Uh and uh so I want to thank President Biden, I want to thank secretary booty judge, I want to thank Director mitch Landrieu this year with us who heads up their infrastructure project and I think they understand how critical this is for our nation's economy and for our region for commute. Um but they also understand that this is *** model for the rest of the country. Our nation is falling behind *** little bit on our competitiveness were not as efficient as we should be and that's what transportation infrastructure is always about for me. In addition to the digital infrastructure, broadband reason, I got so excited about getting something done. Finally, is because this puts America in *** stronger position to compete with the rest of the world and therefore it helps all taxpayers and every american world and that's what this bridge represents to is this notion that we can when we put our heads together and get something done that's important. I want to especially thank Leader mitch McConnell who showed political courage. I won't go into great detail on that, I think, you know what I mean, But also patience and working with us. This was *** six month long bipartisan project started off with one Republican, one democrat and we grew up to five and five and 10 and 10, but he helped us steward this through the process and his support for this. In my view, the infrastructure bill itself was critically important to our being here today. So mitch thank you. I want to thank Senator Brown as the co author of what's called the Bridge Investment Act, which has made part of the infrastructure bill that's providing about 1.3 Of this historic $1.6 plus trillion dollar commitment today. And of course, again to Director March Banks and Secretary Gray and and the teams, thank you for what you will do going forward. This is really important for our region, but it's also important for our country and it is *** model, Let me finish with talking about another model. We did something to get this infrastructure bill passed, that is too rare in Congress these days. And that is, we sat down as republicans and democrats and said, what is our objective, what are we trying to accomplish here after decades of talking about it? How are we actually gonna get infrastructure done and we set aside our partisan differences and although we didn't agree on every detail that infrastructure bill, we worked as hard as we could to find common ground to get it done. Now to me, this is not just about *** bridge between Ohio and Kentucky, this is about *** more effective bridge for our country by talking about how we got here, which is through this process of yeah, bipartisanship because it actually works to deliver for the people. So as we celebrate the bridge today as being *** more effective way to move people Across our two great states. It's also *** day to talk about how we need to more effectively create those bridges to solve big problems in our country. Godspeed to all of you and congratulations. Please welcome United States Senator Sherrod Brown, good afternoon Cincinnati and brought up wherever else you're from. Mr President President biden, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Leader McConnell, thank you for your role in this. My longtime friend Senator Portman. This would not have happened without him either. Governor bashir, thank you and good to see your family here. Governor dewine and Franny, thank you for your work. This is what bipartisanship in the United States of America should look like. It does look like As rob said after working on this for more than *** decade, he's actually worked on this for 30 years. I've only worked on this for 15 or 16 years. We're finally going to build *** new bridge. The federal government's finally doing its part to make this crucial crossing between Ohio and Kentucky safe and reliable. We passed, we passed the pact act the most comprehensive expansion of benefits for veterans who face toxic exposure from those football field sized burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. We finally passed the pact act, which is made is making *** huge difference for veterans, that's what bipartisanship looks like in the last two years, this last, this last congress, we worked together to pass the chips act and again with Senator McConnell and Senator Portman stepping up with us meaning the technology of the future won't just be developed R and D in America, it will actually be made in America in the industrial Heartland in Ohio in Kentucky but we have built the engines of progress for generations. That's what bipartisanship looks like. And to me it mostly looks like looks like jobs, it looks like good union jobs, construction jobs building the new companion bridge, improving, improving the entire Brent Spence corridor that runs from here in Kentucky to the nine year old Western Hills Viaduct an FDR project in the thirties, rob and I were talking about that on the way out here. *** few of you in the front row seemed to have worked on that project back in the thirties, it's received millions of dollars and federal infrastructure funds. It will mean more american manufacturing jobs, there will be more contracts for Ohio and Kentucky manufacturers because of the work. Senator Portman Governor dewine and I did to make sure the bipartisan infrastructure law has the strongest buy America requirements ever signed in along the United States of America. It means taxpayer dollars will support american jobs, american taxpayer dollars supporting american jobs period. The days of taxpayer funded bridges like these. The days of taxpayer funded bridge is made with chinese steel are over. It means it means 100 and 60,000 americans who crossed this bridge every single day 3% as rob said 3% of the G. D. P. Every day crossing this bridge. It means that all of them will benefit whether that's *** safer commute to work for commuters, whether it's businesses both large and small, safely and affordably transporting their products over this bridge, this bridge will make life better for people in Ohio and Kentucky mayor pure of all and other local mayors and community leaders. Business people have been signing the alarm to rob and me and to others for years. I want to particularly thank the Cincinnati regional Chamber of Commerce. I remember my first meeting as my first week in the Senate and the Chamber of Commerce. First thing they talked about was Brent Spence. Thank you for continuing trend to champion this critical infrastructure bill, plenty, plenty of politicians have paid lip service to fixing our infrastructure. We used to be the envy of the world world our infrastructure did, but until now it's been empty talk today shows what we can achieve for the region and for our country. When everyone works together to get this funding through Congress, it took *** new approach in 2018 as rob just said, we started building *** bipartisan coalition to create *** new program that could tackle large mega projects like bring Spence. I worked with rob and 12 other senators to begin to work to make that happen for years. For years. Presidents of both parties have promised infrastructure. You can count and name the number of presidents that either stood on that bridge or stood over here. So you get the best view of Cincinnati, sorry, Kentucky. Um you can, you can, you can name all those presidents that talked about that, but it took president biden the most pro worker pro union president in my lifetime. President biden to do this. The bipartisan infrastructure law included my bridge legislation that rob and I talked about made this investment possible. We celebrate today, not just the new Spence crossing but all the investments in Ohio from the bipartisan infrastructure lives talking to MS May's *** moment ago, 30 year ironworkers, she will be introducing the and talking about these, these projects he's worked on and how many, how we are going to need in this state in this country to see *** lot more women in the trades and *** lot more people of color in the trades building our bridges building in town building small county culvert bridges in places like Mansfield and Richland County. I grew up and worked on our family farm. We're gonna, we're gonna need good union workers to do these. It's not just about numbers, it's about let the investments meet in Ohio for the black and brown communities who have historically been cut off from job centers for warriors, the rural areas that are hard to reach. It will mean connection, It will mean good paying union, middle class jobs together Together. We can leverage this investment to create jobs in every city, every county, every township across our great state. Thank you today. All of you for being part of this great day. Ladies welcome Senate Minority leader mitch McConnell. Yeah, no, stop. Good afternoon everyone. This is the day I think many people in northern Kentucky, I'd never happened for those of us who run public office in Kentucky over the years. Every time you came to northern Kentucky, the issue was, how are we gonna get the bridge built? And as all the Kentucky politicians can tell you the issue of possibly tolling the bridges was very, very toxic. And so today we said this wonderful clear day with sun shining down on literally and legislative, how did it come together? Well, Senator Portman removed. You had *** chance to hear. Uh, was the active person on our side. Several Democratic senators on the other side came together and began to talk about how we might be able to work together had to get that outcome. We all know these are really partisan times, but I always feel no matter who gets elected once it's all over, we ought to look for things we can agree on and try to do those. Even while we have big differences on other things. And this bridge, I think symbolizes coming together, both sides on something that both sides thought was important to try to get an outcome. You have *** Democratic governor here. Governor bashir, Republican Legislature led by Senate President Stivers. Okay. House led by speaker David Osborne, chris Mcdaniel, Northern Kentucky took the lead on and down at the Frankfurt divide the matching funds that we needed to make this project go forward. So it's not just this project, but the infrastructure bill, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that the president signed provides dramatic additional assistance. Just looking at the Kentucky side of the river This project plus other projects over $8 billion dollars over the next five years. This is really quite significant. And as we know, even though it benefits us in Ohio and Kentucky nationally, this was one of the big projects in the entire country to deal with the crumbling infrastructure that we've all been talking about for years and so we finally stepped up together and address. It's also great to see the governor of Ohio here. We used to be colleagues in the Senate, huh. Governor dewine and his team. So if you look at the political alignment of everyone involved in this, if the government working together to solve *** major problem at *** time when the country needs to see examples like this, of coming together and getting an outcome. So I'm pleased to be here today to be *** part of this. I encouraged it. I supported it and I'm proud of what we've been able to accomplish. Working together with the people of Kentucky and Ohio and all these other commuters coming through here every day going north and south across our great country. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today, exciting day. I'm proud to be *** part of it. Thank you. Please welcome iron workers. Local 44 member Sarah win May. Good afternoon. My name is Sarah and I stand here today *** proud union ironworker. I've been *** member of local 44 right here in Cincinnati Ohio for 30 years, 13 of those years. I've dedicated my service to CHC fabrication. When I first came became *** union iron worker. I didn't know anything about ironwork and I didn't know how to properly read *** tape measure but I heard they had good benefits, their wages was allowing me to, to um take care of my family. So I decided to take the chance to become an ironworker as *** single mother. It was very important for the benefits. The benefits was really nice benefits. My union has built this city from the ground up and now thanks to president biden's our leader and the work of other leaders here. Today we are rebuilding and replacing the Brent sprints bridge. Is it boost for the workers? Thank you. It's *** boost for the workers and it's *** boost for the region And faster commutes ironworkers like me and my brother and sister ironworkers of local 44 and other tradesmen get the opportunity to work on the bridge. This brings jobs, this brings money, which is very well needed right now. Today in Cincinnati and Kentucky, it is now my honor and my privilege to introduce to you the President of the United States. Our president joe biden. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. I haven't seen it. You have one folks from inside the tenant. I know you're all back there. I tell you, you gotta be standing too. Alright, well, look, happy New Year everyone. And Sarah thanks to the introduction. I'm delighted to see the mayor, Mayor Covington's and uh mayor of Covington's. I should say he is coming tonight. Uh joe joe Mayor, the mayor of Cincinnati. Uh I make sure I gotta do this right after. Well, that's what I corrected. Yeah, because I want to get it right. He's *** hell of *** lot bigger than I am. Look, newly elected representatives. Uh Greg Landsman, he couldn't be here today. He said, dealing with trying to figure out who's gonna be the next speaker asked representatives and I wish him *** lot of luck. Maybe the first freshman ever elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. It's great to be here with two individuals who are among those who work the hardest and the longest to get this done. Shared brown and rob. Both men have significant integrity and people who do what they say. It's been, they've been fighting this for years to get the funding to repair the bridge shared 16 and dropped about 28. They never gave up. They got it done. And *** big thanks also to governor Andy Beshear and Mike Dewine who worked hand in hand to help get this done coach. I'm especially happy here with my friend and colleague in many years and I might add *** longest serving leader in the United States Senate Senator mitch McConnell mitch, it's great to be with you. I asked permission if I could say something nice about him. I didn't want to, I said I campaign former against each ever helped him knows mitch, it's uh, you know, uh, it wasn't easy and uh, to get this done and it wouldn't have got done no matter all the work so many others have done and I write the legislation to drop it, then it wouldn't have happened without your and this wouldn't have got to them. Thank you. And you know, we have to find common ground common ground to get major legislation done in any circumstance ever was particularly the circumstances in the last four or five years in less than cooperative and leader McConnell. I don't agree on everything. In fact, we disagree on *** lot of things, but here's what matters. He's *** man of his word when he gives his word. You can take it to the bank, you can count on it and he's willing to find common ground to get things done for your country. Thank you. Thank you. That's exactly what we did in *** bipartisan production law, which got done in no small part because of his leadership folks. Look, I wanted to start off the new year that this historic project here in Ohio Kentucky with the bipartisan criminal officials because I believe it sends an important message, important message to the entire country. We can work together, we can get things done, we can move the nation forward. Just drop *** little bit of our egos and focus on what is needed in the country for decades. People have talked about the Prince Spence bridge folks, talking is over the bipartisan infrastructure law. We're finally going to get it done law. Its most significant investment by this whole bill, most significant investment, American roads bridges since the Eisenhower interstate highway system over $1 billion 71 and 75 across the Ohio River. It's on one of the nation's busiest freight routes. Truck traffic on I-75 alone carries $2 billion dollars *** freight $2 billion straight per day between florida and Canada two billion bridges. Built 63 as you all know, designed to carry 80,000 vehicles *** day today. 100 and 60,000 vehicles across the street. 30,000 as you can see, about 10 have already passed their trucks. Think about it. The bridge built over half *** century ago and we double the volume was built for. It's the second most congested truck bottleneck in the United, entire United States. Doesn't take an engineer to tell anyone in this neck of the woods that the recipe for *** dangerous accidents, delayed shipments and notorious gridlock. And looking at folks around here, understand we all saw what happened two years ago, two years ago when the bridge was closed for weeks because of the damage from the crash, lost revenues and local businesses, congestion on alternative routes. Nightmare commutes. One company called it, what everyone else felt total chaos folks. This is the United States of America. God's sake. We know and now we're proving we're much better than we've been *** recent past. Funding from this. Infrastructure law is going to upgrade the current bridge and to build *** second new bridge right next to it for interstate traffic. Look, that will keep local trafficking from competing with those massive trucks and freight. Look, it means folks around here will actually be able to use the bridge again to work for work for school for emergencies without bumper to bumper traffic. It will be safer and easier commutes. First responders get the folks who need help without delay and our nation's Congress can flow more efficiently through this area because tractor trailers and other large vehicles to be able to move products to the destination without so much congestion. Look, it's not just here at the infrastructure laws being used and Jessica, we're just getting started. We're doing it all across America coast to coast as I speak. The Vice President, United States is in Chicago today. We're building four drawbridges in the south side, so barge and ship traffic continue to move in and out of Illinois international port. We're going to move product faster and ships from ships to shelves, secretary feet, footages in Connecticut, we're renovating the Gold Star Memorial bridge. So traffic along the busy northeast part of the United States can move smoothly along I 95 tomorrow mitch Landrieu infrastructure coordination is gonna be in san Francisco. We're upgrading the iconic golden gate bridge so it can withstand future earthquakes can be around for generations to come. It's not just bridges already, over *** million households across Ohio Kentucky getting access to high speed internet through the infrastructure didn't exist before. Right across the river in Cincinnati, we're going to award $127 million western hills viaduct with *** new structure. Great movement by road and rail, more reliable and efficient. *** critical piece right at the beginning of this entire carter and I know *** big priority for you Mr. And on the Tennessee River here in Kentucky, we're investing $465 million to finish building the Kentucky, lock and dam clear bridge, barge traffic. We're gonna lead to more economic growth in this area in Louisville, transforming ninth street from *** six lane thoroughfare into an area of large pedestrian zone, bicycle bus lanes, better public space in lancaster Ohio, Hopkinsville Kentucky infrastructure law is helping companies that make batteries for electric vehicles, build new manufacturing sites. Great more jobs. So our electric vehicle future is going to be made in America all of it. We're doing all this with american workers and american products that are made in America. It's *** simple concept. I can sum it up in two words, buy american. I don't sign anything that the congress passes mostly quiet or something in America with shared grounds help and making sure that the iron steel construction materials to build this bridge are made here in America. The United States made in Ohio, Made in Kentucky employing thousands of people all by itself. And that's the work we're gonna do largely and it's really largely done by unions, not labor union, I can say the word union laborers, electricians, carpenters, cement masons, ironworkers, steel workers, communication workers, auto workers and so much more. These are good jobs, you can raise *** family on and most don't require *** college degree. All this is about making an investment in America's Heartland. America's people America's future, it's about making things in America. Again, it's about good jobs. It's about the dignity of work. It's about respect folks. It's about damn time. We're doing it too long, talked about asserting american leadership, about building the best economy in the world. But to have the best economy in the world, the reason I pushed this bill to begin with, you have to have the best infrastructure in the world. You can't have the best economy in the world without having the best infrastructure world to get products to market, creating thousands of good paying jobs for most of the last century. We lead the world by *** significant margin because we invested in our people, We invest in ourselves. But along the way we stop, we used to rank number one in the world and research and development from federal government funding. Now we ranked number nine China. Used to rank No eight. Now China ranks number two first. We risk losing our edge as *** nation and china and the rest of the world are catching up. Communities in places like Ohio and Kentucky saw factories leave towns hollowed out. Infrastructure start to crumble just between 1990 2020 Ohio lost more than 350,000 manufacturing jobs. 350,000 lost Kentucky lost 20,000. Now we're back on track Folks. Where is it written? Where is it written? That the United States cannot and will not lead the world in manufacturing. Once again, we're gonna do it. Just as I got elected, we created 750,000 new manufacturing jobs. Today, just *** few hours from here, Intel is investing $20 billion. 20 billion near Columbus to expand what I refer to as the field of dreams, expanding semiconductor manufacturing, that 7000 construction jobs, 3000 full time jobs, paying an average of $135,000 *** year, those full time jobs and you do not need *** college degree. Micron is investing $100 billion dollars in semiconductors factory in Syracuse. Tsmc is investing 40 billion in phoenix to do the same. 20 billion in poughkeepsie new york for IBM another altogether. There's *** commitment to close to $300 billion, major major private investment in american manufacturing to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the United States. By the way we invented, we invented the semiconductor, the United States and we got back in our heels. No think about it. Think about why the recession got so bad two years ago, cars got so expensive, we didn't have semiconductors scores up front engine of every automobile. We invented them and then we went to sleep, were exported jobs. Now we're exporting product and creating jobs and it's happening in no small part because another bipartisan effort that chips and science act, which mitch and all these folks here with me today. They all supported them. It's about revitalizing american manufacturing, it's about America Once again being the leading edge technological innovation, it's about America's national security folks. It's about one more thing. It's about pride. Simple pride, private to know all of us here today can feel pride in our country, pride in what we can do and what we can do when we do it together folks, let me close with this. After years of politics being so divisive, there are bright spots across the country Brent Spence bridge is one of them bridge that continues connects different centuries, different states, different political parties, bridge the vision of America. I know we all believe it where we can work together to get things done. Thanks for those here today. When you come this, they will need to cross the aisle to get something done. They know passing these two bipartisan laws just by themselves more important than the forest politics. It's gonna make *** gigantic, Excuse me, *** gigantic difference. Together, we're proving our best days are ahead of us And I mean this is the bottom of my heart doing this *** long time for us. Best days are ahead of us. Not behind us. Long said, I mean this, I have never, ever, ever been more optimistic about America's prospects than I am today. Never, never. I've traveled over 140 countries around the world. So I was paraphrased the phrase of my own the rest of the country's growth, not *** patch on our genes. If we do it. It's never been *** good bet to bet against America. It's never been more true than the day. I can honestly say here today, I've never been more optimistic about America's future. We just have to remember who in the hell we are. We are the United States of America. And there's nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. And I mean, think about it. There's another country in the world such as sites that didn't complete. So folks, thank you all for your local officials. Thank you all for Congress and senators for here and thank God bless you all! May God protect our troops. Keep the faith. Every time I walk with my grandpa in the house of his friend Joey, keep the faith and my grandmother, you know, Joey spread it. Let's go spread the faith. Thank you.
President Biden, local lawmakers deliver remarks on Brent Spence Bridge funding
President Joe Biden stood with two governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, and business leaders Tuesday to talk about the sprawling Brent Spence Bridge Project. "For decades, people have talked about the Brent Spence Bridge," Biden said. "Folks, the talking is over. With the bipartisan infrastructure law, we're finally going to get it done."The visit comes days after $1.6 billion in federal funding was approved for the project. It's one of the biggest projects scheduled in the entire infrastructure plan."I wanted to start off the new year at this historic project with a bi-partisan agreement because I believe it sends an important message to the entire country," the president said. "We can work together. We can get things done. We can move the nation forward. If we drop our egos and focus on what is needed for the country."The project is expected to begin by the end of 2023, but specifics about the project are still unknown. “This project has obviously been the poster child for the need for infrastructure reform,” said Covington Business Council Executive Director Pat Frew.At the press conference, Biden also announced $127 million for a project to replace the old Western Hills Viaduct.“There are obviously a lot more questions than answers right now, and I'm assuming that a lot of the people that are the knowledgeable people that will give us those answers, they don't even know some of the answers yet,” Frew said.Construction on the project is expected to last until about 2030. Disruption of traffic flow over that length of time has some businesses in Covington on edge. “It's really important to make sure that the concerns of the businesses are heard and the impact, the potential negative impact, of all the construction and people bypassing this area is kept to a minimum,” Frew said.The new bridge will just miss some businesses, but Doc Rusk Heating and Colling will have to vacate land they've been on since the 60s."Told us that they would help us move and they've been really kind," said Angie Morrison, who owns the family-run business with her husband, Steve. "Not saying anything bad about that at all. The bad part for us is we're havin' to find a place to go."Across Third Street, Performance Select Cars can relate. They, too, are in the way of a new companion bridge.Their attitude is we'll go with the flow."People get backed up on this street and the accidents up there," general manager Tim Tucker said. "Getting on and off the bridge is always a nightmare. So, hopefully this will alleviate the big trucks and they can go around and that traffic will be a lot easier in the area."Tucker said people have been waiting a long time and are excited about the project. There's a realization that has taken hold now that money is no longer a bridge barrier.The White House has not specifically said why the president picked the Brent Spence Bridge as a stop on a national tour to talk about his infrastructure and jobs plan.However, the bridge connects Ohio with a Republican governor and Kentucky with a Democrat governor, both of whom supported the project, along with senators on different sides of the aisle.The bridge also runs through one of the busiest transportation corridors in the country, with over $2 billion of freight moving every day on its way to and from Florida to Canada.Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval did not speak at the event.“I am thrilled that the President is choosing to visit Ohio and Kentucky to highlight how our economy and infrastructure continues to grow stronger because of his work,” Pureval said in a statement. “The historic amount of money going towards this project is proof of what can be accomplished through strong regional, bipartisan collaboration. This is just the beginning.
President Joe Biden stood with two governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, and business leaders Tuesday to talk about the sprawling Brent Spence Bridge Project.
"For decades, people have talked about the Brent Spence Bridge," Biden said. "Folks, the talking is over. With the bipartisan infrastructure law, we're finally going to get it done."
The visit comes days after $1.6 billion in federal funding was approved for the project. It's one of the biggest projects scheduled in the entire infrastructure plan.
"I wanted to start off the new year at this historic project with a bi-partisan agreement because I believe it sends an important message to the entire country," the president said. "We can work together. We can get things done. We can move the nation forward. If we drop our egos and focus on what is needed for the country."
The project is expected to begin by the end of 2023, but specifics about the project are still unknown.
“This project has obviously been the poster child for the need for infrastructure reform,” said Covington Business Council Executive Director Pat Frew.
At the press conference, Biden also announced $127 million for a project to replace the old Western Hills Viaduct.
“There are obviously a lot more questions than answers right now, and I'm assuming that a lot of the people that are the knowledgeable people that will give us those answers, they don't even know some of the answers yet,” Frew said.
Construction on the project is expected to last until about 2030. Disruption of traffic flow over that length of time has some businesses in Covington on edge.
“It's really important to make sure that the concerns of the businesses are heard and the impact, the potential negative impact, of all the construction and people bypassing this area is kept to a minimum,” Frew said.
The new bridge will just miss some businesses, but Doc Rusk Heating and Colling will have to vacate land they've been on since the 60s.
"Told us that they would help us move and they've been really kind," said Angie Morrison, who owns the family-run business with her husband, Steve. "Not saying anything bad about that at all. The bad part for us is we're havin' to find a place to go."
Across Third Street, Performance Select Cars can relate. They, too, are in the way of a new companion bridge.
Their attitude is we'll go with the flow.
"People get backed up on this street and the accidents up there," general manager Tim Tucker said. "Getting on and off the bridge is always a nightmare. So, hopefully this will alleviate the big trucks and they can go around and that traffic will be a lot easier in the area."
Tucker said people have been waiting a long time and are excited about the project. There's a realization that has taken hold now that money is no longer a bridge barrier.
The White House has not specifically said why the president picked the Brent Spence Bridge as a stop on a national tour to talk about his infrastructure and jobs plan.
However, the bridge connects Ohio with a Republican governor and Kentucky with a Democrat governor, both of whom supported the project, along with senators on different sides of the aisle.
The bridge also runs through one of the busiest transportation corridors in the country, with over $2 billion of freight moving every day on its way to and from Florida to Canada.
Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval did not speak at the event.
“I am thrilled that the President is choosing to visit Ohio and Kentucky to highlight how our economy and infrastructure continues to grow stronger because of his work,” Pureval said in a statement. “The historic amount of money going towards this project is proof of what can be accomplished through strong regional, bipartisan collaboration. This is just the beginning.
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