
Cincinnati, NKY utilities reopen water intakes

Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky utilities said Monday water intakes to the Ohio River could safely be reopened.

Greater Cincinnati Water Works and the Northern Kentucky Water District reopened their intakes to the Ohio River on Monday after no chemicals were detected. Both utilities shut off the intakes around 2 a.m. on Sunday in anticipation of water containing low levels of chemicals coming from East Palestine, Ohio.

A fiery derailment of about 50 freight cars, 11 of which contained hazardous materials, occurred in East Palestine on Feb. 3. There were concerns that chemicals from the derailment had contaminated the Ohio River and intakes were closed as a cautionary measure over the weekend.

After the shutdown, a compound called 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol was detected in the region, Jeff Swertfeger, superintendent of water quality and treatment for Greater Cincinnati Water Works, said. Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky utilities kept their intakes shut off due to the chemical, but it was no longer detected on Monday and the intakes were deemed safe to reopen.

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