
A French bulldog is smitten with actor Henry Cavill

It's a classic love story about a French bulldog and "Superman" star Henry Cavill. Too bad Cavill doesn't know about it. About six months ago, Heather Land was watching TV when her French bulldog, Rory, became smitten by Cavill. Now, every time he's on TV, she moves closer to the screen, seemingly entranced by his voice. "If he comes on the screen and she hears his voice she will wake up out of a deep sleep and pop up and look for him," Land told CNN. One video even shows Rory struggling to get out from under the covers to get a closer look. This is not the norm for Rory, Land said. Many times, Rory isn't excited by people and never used to watch TV. Now, even if Land displays a photo of Cavill, Rory can't look away. "I don't think she'd even look at pictures of me like that if I wasn't around and I'm her favorite person," Land said. Videos of Rory's infatuation had TikTok fans sending so much Cavill-themed merchandise, it's become a shrine of sorts. "It's just a one-way love story," Land said. She's hopeful that one day, the two can meet in person.

It's a classic love story about a French bulldog and "Superman" star Henry Cavill.

Too bad Cavill doesn't know about it.

About six months ago, Heather Land was watching TV when her French bulldog, Rory, became smitten by Cavill.

Now, every time he's on TV, she moves closer to the screen, seemingly entranced by his voice.

"If he comes on the screen and she hears his voice she will wake up out of a deep sleep and pop up and look for him," Land told CNN.

One video even shows Rory struggling to get out from under the covers to get a closer look.

This is not the norm for Rory, Land said. Many times, Rory isn't excited by people and never used to watch TV.

Now, even if Land displays a photo of Cavill, Rory can't look away.

"I don't think she'd even look at pictures of me like that if I wasn't around and I'm her favorite person," Land said.

Videos of Rory's infatuation had TikTok fans sending so much Cavill-themed merchandise, it's become a shrine of sorts.

"It's just a one-way love story," Land said.

She's hopeful that one day, the two can meet in person.

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