
Jerry Springer’s TV show closed the door on his political career

In 2003 Jerry Springer considered a run for the US Senate as he appears at various events in Youngstown, Ohio.

While "The Jerry Springer Show" earned him fame and fortune, it damaged Springer's political brand and his viability for elected office.

In 2003, reporters and photographers packed a downtown Columbus press conference to find out if Springer would run for U.S. Senate. Springer soaked in the limelight, cracked jokes and then, instead of announcing a run, he said that polls showed his TV talk show had saddled him with too many negatives to overcome in a statewide race.

"As long as I'm doing that show, my message, no matter how sincere and no matter how heartfelt, does not get through to the people I need to reach," he said at the time.

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