
Fees paid for Withrow, other CPS seniors at risk of withheld diploma

Students leave Withrow University High School after the final bell of the day in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Cincinnati on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

Hundreds of Cincinnati Public Schools seniors at risk of not receiving their diplomas on graduation day as a result of unpaid student fees will now be able to go home with their cap, gown and piece of paper confirming they're a high school graduate.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Pendleton-based Butts Family Foundation raised $55,000 to pay off student fees for Withrow University High School, Hughes STEM High School, Taft High School and Woodward Career Technical High School students, according to Tabatha Anderson, the nonprofit's secretary.

"All the schools now have their money," Anderson said.

Those donations have benefited a combined 277 students at Hughes, Taft and Woodward who were eligible for diplomas but had outstanding student fees, she said. She added Withrow has declined to share the number of students enrolled there who are benefiting from the donations.

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