O’Brien had been the top U.S. woman in the giant slalom after Shiffrin skied out, finishing sixth in the first run. She was also supposed to compete in Wednesday’s slalom event, and will be replaced by fellow American A.J. Hurt.
ZHANGJIAKOU, China – Forget the race. Just making to the starting line has been a mad dash for American speedskater Casey Dawson.
The 21-year-old had been set to compete in his first Olympics before testing positive for COVID almost four weeks ago. He thought he would be able to clear two negative tests in time to travel, and he did do that. But he learned he would need four and to get them from a different lab, something that delayed his travel until Sunday.
Dawson embarked on a trek that would take him from Salt Lake City to Atlanta to Paris and then finally to Beijing, all in less than two days. Having already missed the 5,000 meters, Dawson is racing to get here in time for the 1,500 later Tuesday here in China.