
Female manatee released in Florida

VIDEO: Rescued female manatee released back into wild

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and volunteers from the Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership released an orphaned manatee into the wild Thursday.Aiya, a young female manatee, was rescued off Fort Pierce, Florida, in February of 2021. Conservation commission officials determined she was an orphaned calf who was suffering from malnutrition and cold stress lesions. The manatee was taken to SeaWorld by FWC and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute for rehabilitation.She was released in West Palm Beach in the outflow area of Manatee Lagoon on Thursday morning. Aiya has a satellite tracker to see where she swims.Video below: A look at the Aiya before she was rescuedFlorida Power and Light announced in December that it would work to support manatee rehabilitation and rescue with $700,000 over the next three years.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and volunteers from the Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership released an orphaned manatee into the wild Thursday.

Aiya, a young female manatee, was rescued off Fort Pierce, Florida, in February of 2021. Conservation commission officials determined she was an orphaned calf who was suffering from malnutrition and cold stress lesions.

The manatee was taken to SeaWorld by FWC and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute for rehabilitation.

She was released in West Palm Beach in the outflow area of Manatee Lagoon on Thursday morning. Aiya has a satellite tracker to see where she swims.

Video below: A look at the Aiya before she was rescued

Florida Power and Light announced in December that it would work to support manatee rehabilitation and rescue with $700,000 over the next three years.

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