In Illinois, Attorney General Kwame Raoul issued a consumer alert warning residents about “pop-up” COVID-19 testing sites and price gouging of at-home rapid tests.
"It is important for people to know that these sites are not licensed or regulated by a government agency,'' Raoul said in a statement, "and they should ask questions before visiting a pop-up testing location – or try to utilize a state-sponsored testing site.”
-- Grace Hauck
Hospitalizations and deaths, which trail cases by a few weeks, figure to continue rising for the better part of January, according to modeling by researchers.
As of Monday, reported COVID-19 cases had increased 53% from a week earlier, averaging more than 750,000 new infections per day, according to Johns Hopkins University data. About 27,000 Americans were getting admitted to hospitals every day and more than 1,600 were dying.
"Omicron came in and spread so fast it infected everybody who could be infected. Also, it was the holidays, so people were traveling, which increased the spread," said Ali Mokdad, professor of epidemiology and health metrics at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine.