
‘They put a gun to my hip. I put my hands up’

A 10-year-old boy sits at a table after school in the recreation center at Third Presbyterian Church in East Westwood to talk about gun violence among Cincinnati teenagers.

This year in Hamilton County, 15 juveniles have been charged with murder, more than were charged in the last four years combined. Why the increase? 'Kids Who Kill,' The Enquirer's series on juvenile violence, concludes with this conversation.

A few kids at the Third Presbyterian Church recreation and after-school program agreed to talk to us. While there, they usually do homework, play games, hang with their friends and read. We are protecting their identities. We will call them Devin, Frank, Ian. Evan and Keith. Devin and Frank are both 12 and in the seventh grade. Evan is 11. Ian and Keith are 10.

Enquirer reporter Terry DeMio: We learned that more teenagers have been charged with murder this year, accused of killing teenagers, than ever before. Does that surprise you?

Devin: “No, it don’t.”

Frank: “No. I used to live downtown.”

Devin: “My cousin got shot. I think he was 18. There’s a lot of shootings out where I live. It’s just at night. I don’t go outside at night.

Have you ever seen anyone with a gun or heard gunshots?

Devin: One time I was playing a game, a videogame in my room, I heard shooting. I just kept playing my game. I wasn’t worried.

What about you, Frank? None of this surprises you?

Frank: It’s been part of my whole life. You gotta be aware of it, ‘cause I hear it almost every night. I still don’t feel safe at night.

Why do you think it happens?

Frank: I think people release their anger. I think they’re just buying guns from other people.

Devin: And from social media.  

How do you stay safe?

Frank: “You can feel more safe with more people.”

So this is a good place, a safe place?

Frank: “I can come here. Calm down. Just stay here and clear my head.”

Do you have someone who’s always worrying about you?

Frank: “My mom, ever since my sister died, she’s been trying to be careful with me.”

How’d she die?

Frank: She died from a shooting. I think she was 23.

How old were you?

Frank: I was 5. Ever since then, my mom wanted to try to know my location, every step I take, because she wanted to protect me. She tells me to be safe and stay out of trouble. ‘Before you go anywhere, tell me, tell me.’ When I get there I gotta contact my mom.

Ian, what do you think of all this?

Ian: “I feel sad because my cousin, he died from a gun.

 Where do kids get guns?

Frank: Instagram. Facebook.

Have you seen the posts where people are doing this, selling guns?

Frank: I’ve seen them.

Devin: (Nods yes)

How do you find out about the killings?

Evan: I watch the news a lot. I hear it a lot. People talk about guns in my school. I don’t want to be hearing it. I don’t know why they talk about it in school.

How do you stay safe?

Evan: I’ll be with my friends. They do a lot and then they’ll start doing bad things. And when that happens, I separate myself.

Do your friends think that’s OK to do?

Evan: They’ll be like, ‘See you later.’

Keith: You walk away.

What do you think the violence is caused by?

Keith: Money. Me and my cousin were riding our bikes once. We was just at the store. I like to work. I sell candles, pump gas. Four teenagers drove up. Five. Three in the back seat, two in the front seat. They just … they robbed my cousin. They put a gun to my hip. My hip. I was scared for my life. They pulled out my pockets and took my $20. I just put my hands up and they went inside my jacket pockets. Me and my cousin, we just pedaled so fast. I was scared.  My heart. My life flashed before my eyes. I never told my mom about it. I felt like she’d have been overreactive. I don’t like telling my mom. She would overprotect me.

Do you think that was the right thing to do? Not tell your mom?

Evan: Whenever you tell people who did it, they might say, you snitched. It’s going to go all over the news. Whatever they find out, they’ll go and shoot up the house.

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